new at growing the plants are going good, trying to get everything ready for cloning and i bought C-I-L Plant Starter 5-15-5. just wondering it would work to start new roots?
Well nobody has replyed but me so I'm asuming nobody hear has tried so Id head to google and see what I can find. If you can find anything do what I do. Grow some tamato plants. There there similiar plant to marijuana as far as planting goes. Its always nice to keep one or two in your garden for expirements wether its trying new fertilizer or upgrading your garden to a more complex garden like a hydroponic garden. If you try bubble ponics or hydroponics you maybe outside your confort level and if you make a beginer mistake and kill a plant or your crop its much cheaper loosing a tamatoe plant than a marijuana plant. Hapy growen and if you need any more help just ask
yw ^_^ I'm about to plant some seeds un coffe ground that have been mixed with my secrete weapon. I use coffe grounds for nitrigen in vegie growth so Ima c what hapens when I grow my seeds in it.