Will clone taken from stunted plant stay stunted after roots form?


Well-Known Member
It just might take for ever for it to root and it might make the mother worse.I really would take care of the problem before you take the cutting.


Well-Known Member
But after roots are formed will it grow normal?
Yes it will,but it is not recommended to take a cutting from a stressed or stunned plant.I have done it but it usually takes longer for the roots to form then it will be fine..

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
yeah, stunting is an environmental factor, so as long as that has been resolved prior to cloning you should be fine i.e. if its nute lock etc just correct it and then take your cutting. do you know what is causing it?


Well-Known Member
Well, mi madre has almost totally croaked (nute burn and ph flux) in the old leaves and I lolipopped the whole thing. It looks like a stick with two top fan leaves and some new growth. I want to clone one of the healthy leaves because it looks like it is a female. Growth is stunted like balls, so thats why I'm asking if it will be affected.


Well-Known Member
I want to clone one of the healthy leaves because it looks like it is a female. Growth is stunted like balls, so thats why I'm asking if it will be affected.
Using leaves for cloning is difficult. If you have a problem with growing a plant, then cloning is not a step in the right direction. Try growing a healthy plant first and take a clone if you want. Cloning has to begin with healthy plants, not dying plants.
By all means try it though.

I really would take care of the problem before you take the cutting.
Is a stunted plant really bad? I was under the assumption stunting them is much better than having a stretched plant, especially for grow box's.

It is hard to tell what Shredder111 means by stunting without photos though.

And to answer your original question, unless the strain grows that way, sir smokesalot is correct in saying its environmental. Meaning it will grow according to the environment you give it. Allow it to stretch and it will, allow stunted growth and it will be stunted. Mostly controlled by lighting distances.

Does your stunted plant look like the one in this link?


Well-Known Member
Yes, very similar. But what I meant by leaf is the whole thing (node w/ stem). The top growth is 100% healthy and I could take a clone.... hmm...