Will constant wind affect plant growth?


in order to keep the temperature below 80, i have a fan on low, not oscillating, blowing directly on the small plant. it is constantly shaking a bit, quivering in the wind.

it doesn't seem to me the plant would be very happy about this. but i'm not a plant, so i don't know.

will all this "blowing in the wind" affect the plant's growing potential?


Well-Known Member
If you were a plant growing out in the wild, would you expect the wind to blow you around some? I would think yes.

Turn your fan on high and give it hell.


Active Member
A little shake for the bake is a good thing. Hurricanes are not.

If it has any effect it will be to keep the plant a bit thicker, shorter, stockier... all good side effects.


well, i'm glad to hear that. though, actually, i wouldn't expect constant, steady wind growing in the wild. because there are always times of calm weather, maybe most the time actually. you know?

but i don't doubt you know what you're talking about, so thanks, and i'm glad the plant can take it :)


Well-Known Member
don't have your fan on two fast whilst the plant is small, the fan will strengthen the plants stem the wind also clears spent air from the leaves


Well-Known Member
in order to keep the temperature below 80, i have a fan on low, not oscillating, blowing directly on the small plant. it is
constantly shaking
a bit,
quivering in the wind.
it doesn't seem to me the plant would be very happy about this
. but i'm not a plant, so i don't know.

will all this "blowing in the wind" affect the plant's growing potential?
You better put a jacket on it or it might catch cold. :cry:


Active Member
Yea, keep the fan on low while it is a little seedling. As it gets bigger you can turn up the speed if you desire. Outdoors, even if the wind appears to be calm, there is still a slight or subtle breeze. So, definitely keep air circulating on or around your plant. Just make sure that air isn't blowing into your neighbors window, especially if you live in a townhouse.