Will Cops Show up at my House??!!! Help


Well-Known Member
Omar, dont freak out. ive had to wait 3 weeks for orders in the past. and i've read that quote you posted about the indiana thing before, and i've never seen anything similar before or after, and that was almost 5 years ago.

as many others are saying, your roomates are a bigger risk than ordering seeds. all it takes is for 1 room mate to say that his friend is growing, and next thing you know people are trying to break into your home.

rule#1 - never tell anyone.

rule#2 - see rule#1


Active Member
Omar, Listing your location on a forum = Not Smart. And sending PM's requesting other peoples location = uncool.
I'm leaving RIU for good because i don't trust you and i don't like people snooping around my personal info. i enjoyed being on riu with all the fellow minded growers but safety and security of my family come first.
i told you i was from indiana...i didnt tell u my exact address....and i simply asked u if u lived in indiana and had seeds shipped to you....i didnt ask if i could come over and build leggos.......jeez...chill your boner!
well considering one of my roomates is growing shrooms in his closet....im pretty sure its all good lol. but yea i know what u guys are saying. i trust them.....plus..my door is always locked when im not home....door to my room is always locked when im not there....and i have a padlock on my closet where i will be growing that will always be locked...im not to worried about it.
I have so many problems with this. Dont be so naive. Your best friends will rob you, whether you think it or not. A padlock and a few doors is not stopping anyone. Ive watched it happen to too many people and have had it happen myself. You can never be too safe and you never know what other people are thinking until you come home to $10,000 and 1.5lbs missing, or you wake up at 8am to 2 dudes with ski masks at your back door. Im guessing youre in college, in a non legal MMJ state, which makes you even more susceptible to these things. Dont trust anyone. Dont lose out on YOUR hard work because you didnt listen to someone who has.


Well-Known Member
Nah, your safe man. Don't fret. In the future though, you should get a P.O box. Discreet and anonymous. Mostly though it's not at your grow place. I think that's the most important step to ordering beans. Second, you ordered just a "tshirt" from Attitude because it is a "gift shop", REMEMBER??? Like someone else said, they are professionals. USA is probably one of their biggest customers. They know how to do their shit or they wouldn't be in this business. Lastly, they double package everything. USPO can't look past the first package they open up. It's illegal. So if it's double wrapped and they do check it, all the would find is another envelope which they can't touch. 9/10 times they do confiscate bean's is when people don't order discreet shipping like you did. So, sit back. Take a nice rip of some delicious bud, and enjoy your day man. A paranoid grower isn't much good, tbh. I believe if you do not live in a medical state, keeping a clear mind is the probably the most important part in the process. You gotta be quick on your feet in case something does happen, but try to be preemptive so stuff doesn't happen. Ya dig? :bigjoint:


Active Member
I have so many problems with this. Dont be so naive. Your best friends will rob you, whether you think it or not. A padlock and a few doors is not stopping anyone. Ive watched it happen to too many people and have had it happen myself. You can never be too safe and you never know what other people are thinking until you come home to $10,000 and 1.5lbs missing, or you wake up at 8am to 2 dudes with ski masks at your back door. Im guessing youre in college, in a non legal MMJ state, which makes you even more susceptible to these things. Dont trust anyone. Dont lose out on YOUR hard work because you didnt listen to someone who has.
Nah, your safe man. Don't fret. In the future though, you should get a P.O box. Discreet and anonymous. Mostly though it's not at your grow place. I think that's the most important step to ordering beans. Second, you ordered just a "tshirt" from Attitude because it is a "gift shop", REMEMBER??? Like someone else said, they are professionals. USA is probably one of their biggest customers. They know how to do their shit or they wouldn't be in this business. Lastly, they double package everything. USPO can't look past the first package they open up. It's illegal. So if it's double wrapped and they do check it, all the would find is another envelope which they can't touch. 9/10 times they do confiscate bean's is when people don't order discreet shipping like you did. So, sit back. Take a nice rip of some delicious bud, and enjoy your day man. A paranoid grower isn't much good, tbh. I believe if you do not live in a medical state, keeping a clear mind is the probably the most important part in the process. You gotta be quick on your feet in case something does happen, but try to be preemptive so stuff doesn't happen. Ya dig? :bigjoint:
rep to both. thanks for the advise