Will corrugated plastic work to seal a room?


Well-Known Member
Hey, do you think corrugated plastic with the seams siliconed will be enough to keep co2 from escaping or would the room need to be drywalled then seams siliconed?


Well-Known Member
plastic will work fine. the c02 doesnt want to leave the room unless pressured to do so.(:P)
I have wood walls and have no issues with escaping c02.


Well-Known Member
If you have an already drywalled room, with doors and what not... you could add silicone to the trim to prevent any leakage, and foam gaskets to the outlets/switches, and of course weather stripping to the doors, maybe some tucktape over the heat vents; but other than that... you got yourself a sealed room.

No need to put a membrane inside the room and seal it...


Well-Known Member
Wait so just basic walls? If my sealing needs would be less than I thought then my room may go "sealed".
c02 doesnt naturally want to escape through walls. c02 falls low in the room. I didnt fuss with silicone and plug seals, costs me 12 dollars every 30-45 days in propane to keep my space 12x40 @ 1000ppm during 12/12 lights on all year with a small CAP c02 gen.