Will Fox Farm Ocean forest Burn my seedlings?


Well-Known Member
i was just wondering ..i have light warrior to but i would rather use the ocean forrest because it looks more better....or can i mix the 2 together?


Active Member
I don't claim to be an expert(That's why I'm here!)but so-far FFOF is working GREAT for my seedlings!
No burn so-far! I've noticed that "conventional wisdom" seems to indicate that FFOF will burn seedlings
but, I have also noticed several successful grows on this and other sites using it from day1.
If you wanna play it safe, plant a couple of seeds in FFOF and save the other seeds as an experiment.
If it doesn't work-out, you'll still have left-over seeds to try other methods with.
But in my experience, FFOF works great!


Ok like i said this plant is a weed(hard to not grow)....everyones experience is different and what may row my boat may sink urs so.. More trial and error but yeah try the mix


Well-Known Member
Since they are seedlings yes there is a chance thy could get burned but ultimately the choice is ours you could play it safe and use light warrior and then transplant into FFOF when they are a bit larger or go straight into FFOF I personally would play it safe but if the seedlings are large enough it should be fine.


Active Member
"Hard not to grow" Ha! That's what I thought! I must have made every mistake in the book learning!
Back in the 70's, when I was a wee tyke, I would simply put a seed or two in the ground, water it and a week later,
I'd have a nice little plant growing! Nowadays, with all these fancy strains, and talk about using paper towels, shot glasses,
airoponics, and who-knows! i can barely keep-up! That's why I am happy that simply planting seeds in FFOF works so-well!
It's all about the "KISS" priciple with me!

Ok like i said this plant is a weed(hard to not grow)....everyones experience is different and what may row my boat may sink urs so.. More trial and error but yeah try the mix


"Hard not to grow" Ha! That's what I thought! I must have made every mistake in the book learning!
Back in the 70's, when I was a wee tyke, I would simply put a seed or two in the ground, water it and a week later,
I'd have a nice little plant growing! Nowadays, with all these fancy strains, and talk about using paper towels, shot glasses,
airoponics, and who-knows! i can barely keep-up! That's why I am happy that simply planting seeds in FFOF works so-well!
It's all about the "KISS" priciple with me!


Well-Known Member
Just in case, as an experiment, I used recycled FFOF (same soil after a harvest) with my Mataro Blue freebie, it sprouted and died. I'm guessing the left over flowering nutes in the soil, even though I flushed it thoroughly, made the soil too hot for babies.

In my short 10 month growing experience I have never had a single issue with FFOF. Put a clear cup over it for humidity and put it under a single cfl, wait 5 to 7 days and you should see your baby sprout.

Good luck, happy growing :leaf:

rollin in grass

Well-Known Member
Cant you use a blue spectumed mh bulb for more light for seedlings instead of cfl though, mh bulb with FFOF seems to be the way to go throughout seedling and veg states


Active Member
Sure you can use an MH light if you can adequately cool it.
Generally speaking, CFL runs cooler.
I'd say that if you are running a small grow, or if you are a newbie; use CFLs.
of course if you know what you are doing, use MH for Veg & HPS for Flower.

rollin in grass

Well-Known Member
What would be the best nutes to use with FFOF soil in seedling stage then since the soil is already strong enough for 3 weeks already?

rollin in grass

Well-Known Member
Oh and a cool tube with fans and inline fan should cool down seedlings using mh bulb with clear cups too I just thought about it ;)


Well-Known Member
What would be the best nutes to use with FFOF soil in seedling stage then since the soil is already strong enough for 3 weeks already?
You shouldn't use any nutes in the seedling stage other than what is in the soil realistically they are small and cannot handle much more nutes it will induce a nute burn, I recommend starting your nutes at about 1/4-1/2 strength once the cotyledons die off (small round leaves).


i was just wondering ..i have light warrior to but i would rather use the ocean forrest because it looks more better....or can i mix the 2 together?
sneakerhead702 heres a pic of my 1.5 week old Snow White
planted directly into FFOS seems to be doing the job!
new to the forum im trying to start a silverstate growers thread so if your really in vegas stop by sometime! ohh and dont forget to bring your budz =)


sneakerhead702 heres a pic of my 1.5 week old Snow White
planted directly into FFOS seems to be doing the job!
new to the forum im trying to start a silverstate growers thread so if your really in vegas stop by sometime! ohh and dont forget to bring your budz =)
the burn on the tip is from the plant growing into the light! I start all my seedlings/clones under floro cool/warm combo!