Will gro anywhere


Active Member
An by this i dont mean what will grow anywhere as in soil, hydro that kinda thing. Im wondering if any1 has found a strain that will grow ontop of a rock, in the shade, in the blistering heat of summer, and still come out with a decent yeild and potency,,, Ive heard that big bud is like this but doesnt give a good quality high that im seeking. Any tips?

happy token


Active Member
really? 63 ppl have lookd at this page and not a single suggestion??? Im not asking for the secret of life just others experiences with durable strains....


Yeah...nah. We're talking about a plant that shows its distaste for harsh living conditions by going hermie. Weed plants are fussy little buggers.


Active Member
But some strains are more tollerent then others, i guess im just lookin for some new ideas for an outdoor grow this coming season, for the last 3 years everything ive put out has ended up producing nearly nothing mostly due to heat in the summer, im just lookin for some new strain ideas that might be more tollerent to such conditions


Well-Known Member
the landrace abc seems to do well in all climates and conditions, have no idea where to get legit beans but i would also suggest afgahn #1 from world of seeds as well it is another landrace that started most strains..(dont quote me on that) but i do know it can take some abuse. Hope i was helpful?