Will Health Canada allow me to increase my prescription?

Apology accepted. I hear your frustration and I _Know_ that you're financial difficulties with paying $8 a gram for medical marijuana is just crazy. I agree but don't sit on the sideline and do nothing about it. It's people like you that can take Harper to court and win because it's unconstitutional - these new regulations. If you look a few threads below this one, there is a barrister/legal thread that I started where they are A) trying to raise money for a court case and B) looking for people to join their court cases. May I suggest you read that thread and contact that law firm? There's many people like you guys who are justified in having these new regulations thrown out! And you'd be helping us all out by taking the mission on! Think about it and ACT!
Has anyone else tried to increase their prescription and had success? How long did it take them to get the new permit?

Thanks for your story in advance!
