Hey guys I"m sure you see people asking these questions all the time, but I just want your input to ease my mind. I use to be a daily smoker, but I stopped smoking pot March 20th. I was looking for a new job and didn't want to risk failing a drug test. Well two weeks ago I received a very nice job offer, which I'm very excited for. The following day my mom wanted me to take a drug test b/c she didn't believe I stopped smoking. I took it and passed Negative as I didn't smoke since March 20th. I signed my contract and everything, and thought I was good to go, so Friday the 8th of June I took Just 1 hit of a blunt thinking that I was clear to go of any drug tests, but didn't want to take more then one hit just in case something weird popped up. Anyway today the HR calls me and says that they are going to send me my screening information for new employees (GULP). Now I took that 1 hit of blunt exactly 10 days ago. I drink lots of water, don't have much body fat and run about 2.5 miles 3-4 times a week. There's not date set for the drug test so I will defiantly be a few more days, but do you guys think I will be fine for passing the test?