Will I be successful


Active Member
I was wandering if you think I would be successful with the following:

2 daylight 27/100w cfl lights at 1300 lumens and 5500k

1 bag scotts premium potting soil (says it has enough nutes for 4 months)

2 8' pots

There was either the daylight, bright white, or soft white. Does anyone know which one of the three cfl is the best to grow with. Also should I add my own nutes?

I hope to grow one or two plants, does anyone think I will be successful with the following items.


Well-Known Member
Im guessing the soil has time release nutes which wont be good as you wont be able to add much if any of your own fert and flushing will cause nute burn. You will need more lights, the daylights will work for vegging but you will need soft white or warm white when you flower. The 8 inch pots will work for a month or so but you will most likely need to transplant after that.


Well-Known Member
As Doogleef said those lights will do till you switch the light cycle to 12 hours on 12 hours off. Rather than change out the bulbs you would be better to purchase more lights working up to 4-6 x 27 watt compacts per plant (if you want a decent sized bud). You can leave the current lights as they are but the new bulbs need to be 2700 kelvin which is the warmer spectrum Doogleef talked about.

In terms of light, you can never have enough of them. Compacts are great in that you can tuck them in all over the place, and the ones you put in between the plants will light both plants as in the photo below from the infamous Grow Bigger Buds book by SeeMoreBuds.



Well-Known Member
It depends what you consider success. First off you should really get some soil without the cheap time release nutes, you have no control, you cant flush, and they tend to burn plants later on.'

As far as those lights, if you shooting for a fat quarter ounce then they will work. But if you want any decent amount of chronic read up on HID lighting. Even a 150w hps will be better then those any day.


Well-Known Member
those lights will get you through the first week or two of the plants life, then you're gonna need more. so go ahead and get started, but get a soil without time release nutes as this is too strong for seedlings and will massively stunt their growth.

go to wallyworld you can get 4 23 watt cfl's for like 7 bucks.


Well-Known Member
Dont buy 23 watt CFLs, thats the worst advice I have ever heard. If your forced to use CFLs, buy the bigger 43 watt ones, they cost more but are 10x brighter then those 23 watt pieces of crap.


Well-Known Member
Dont buy 23 watt CFLs, thats the worst advice I have ever heard. If your forced to use CFLs, buy the bigger 43 watt ones, they cost more but are 10x brighter then those 23 watt pieces of crap.
how can a 43w bulb possibly be 10x brighter than a 23w bulb??? a bit of exageration there i think. although its a very valid suggestion.


Well-Known Member
Obviously not Literally 10x brighter. But they are much bigger and brighter, if you've every actually seen a 23w and a 43w CFL side by side you would know what I mean. It actually hurts to look at a 43w, the 23w is like nothing.


Active Member
23w- 1300 lumen
42w- 2700 lumen

you would need twice as many 23s as 42s

alright so as previously stated you probably need more lights but are good for a few weeks but then you should get about 100w-200w per plant because the amount of light is directly relative to the yield. so that would be 3 42w a plant should be okay. so yeah more lights is my suggestion. maybe get 2 high spectrum 42s and then 4 low spectrum 42s and setup 4 sockets till veg. if you want to really make sure you have enough light you could get 6 new sockets and just add your 42s to your 27s that you have now. but good luck and i hope all goes well


Active Member
yeah im in the same situation as you are and i just got started on RIU and just started growing and i have a thread that shows my setup for my 3 plants and it cost me 29$ with some 5 finger discount in there


Well-Known Member
Good to hear, happy growing. But just a heads up, your not gonna find much support for people who steal stuff here.



Well-Known Member
You can get a 150w HPS setup with ballast for under $50 and its completely worth the money. For how many CFLs you are going to need to buy and the stands for them id go with HPS and use those 2 cfls u have for side lighting.


Active Member
Just to let you know he is not talking about me, I do not steal, he is talking about the other person who posted above him.