Will i get caught on my pre Employment Drug Test Exam Tomorrow..?


New Member
What do the read instructions say? If they are like the ones I use the answer is yes. But what can you expect smoking the day before your test? Better get some quick clean or someone else's pee, or keep looking for a new job.


ive stopped smoking for 33 days! and this is the result! ive researched this "(T) may vary, but it should be considered negative whenever there is even a faint pink line." but i dont know if its true... what do you guys think! ive used ACON drug test kits


Well-Known Member
any line is negative no matter how faint it might be. If they do a dipstick in the lab and its a weak negative they could send it out for more testing and that could fuck you. If you gotta do it, just piss atleast once that day before you go. By the looks of it youll prob b fine


Well-Known Member
Just drink a gallon of pure cranberry juice! It will work and if you can't drink cranberry than drink two gallons of water.


the last time i smoked was november 26 2011 and i took a home test kit just now! and still wondering why the line is still fainted! can i still pass with this kind of result tomorrow?


the last time i smoked was november 26 2011! and ill have my drug test tomorrow... is there a chance that i will fail the test?? sorry for the post! its creeping me out!


Well-Known Member
As someone else said, drink as much water as you can before your test, and don't give them your first pee of the day. You should be fine.


New Member
Start drinking cranberry juice now LOTS of it. Drink a huge amount right before the test you may be ok.


thanks for the help! hoping for some more comments so that i know what i should do! and be calm for tomorrows test!


Well-Known Member
i smoke atleast a gram every day since I moved here 4 years ago. I went home for a temp job and passed a test in 17 days and my line was reeeeallly faint but def there


Well-Known Member
Cranberry juice is better (it is amazing for urine infections) but, it is hard for a lot of people to drink that much. So, two gallons of water will work just as well. You don't need to drink it all at once and drink about 24 ounces of either water or cranberry just before the test.


i have researched this and wandering if this is true "(T) may vary, but it should be considered negative whenever there is even a faint pink line." im just hoping that it applies to all drug test labs