WIll it be worth it?


Active Member
I am starting to get both antsy and paranoid.

My plant is pushing 14 weeks from seed. (THE PICTURE IN MY AVATAR IS NOT UP TO DATE) Its bag seed so i dont expect some really dank ass harvest.

Its already covered in clear crystals. Im running into a problem though, the smell is getting uncontrollable. I live in an apartment and CAN NOT risk too much smell.

Its bad enough that everyone who comes in my apartment (even the ones who have no clue im growing) tell me its reeks of chronic as soon as they step in the door.

The handful of people who know about it make a remark like "oh man i can smell it already" and stuff to that effect. Its really making me paranoid cause people get busted near me almost ever other week for selling drugs. I live near a lot of pot dealers apparently, and somehow i dont know a single one of them haha :shock:

Anyway, would it be worth it to harvest now? I started flushing with straight water this morning. I have a journal going, just check my sig.

I know some of you "extreme" grower will tell me if i didnt grow under a minimum of 600w HPS and wait till they are nearly brown that i have wasted my entire grow...

but im looking for a legit answer here, if i harvest now, will i be really disappointed? I started this with the sol intention of growing something i could smoke and get high. But i dont want to harvest now if its just going to smoke and not get me high. But i figure if its got crystals, even under developed ones, should have some THC somewhere...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Risk being arrested, or harvest early, really tough question there..

If you are not a legal grower and you cannot contorl the smell indoors, then do not grow, period.


Active Member
Have you considered a carbon filter?

I want one, but i just dont have a way to rig one up in my closet. My setup is ghetto as f**k

Risk being arrested, or harvest early, really tough question there..

If you are not a legal grower and you cannot contorl the smell indoors, then do not grow, period.

yea this was my first attempt and knew it may end up being a risk. Now its not just a risk but possibly a compromising factor and im not willing to risk it anymore. I already decided (before this grow even got going) that this was going to be a one-time thing until i get a house.


Active Member
I dont know who said it first but ill repeat it...
1) No sell
2)NO smell
3) No tell

Sounds to me like you are already breaking 2 of the 3 dont get caught rules. Also i will say that there are 2 types of people in this world. THose that get away with everything no matter how blatently they break the rules, and those that get caught every time they break the rules. Once you go from the dont get caught side to the get caught side there is no going back! An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure (and with the current rate for a good lawyer wort at least a pound of high grade!). You can make a carbon filter for cheap. If you cant afford a D.I.Y. carbon filter save your money till you can.


There was a thread around here a while ago about a setup using a bucket, some crystal soil(or other highly water absorbant compount) febreeze and a fan mounted in the bucket lid. Think it may have been in the DIY section but I couldn't find it. Basically the fan was mounted in the bucket lid. In the bottom of the bucket they used a 1:1 febreeze:water mixture in the crystal soil, fan pulled it out and dispersed the scent. Was pretty cheap to make(~$30). May do what you want.

If you are going to wait then I would get something like that made. Set in in a closet or somewhere outside the grow area(unless you want a hint of febreeze in your bud). If you started the flush this morning then you are close, I would wait it out and try to make something to mask your smell.

If you pull them they will not be as satisfying or as tasty as they would after the flush/wait, but at least it would be something.

It all depends on how noticeable it is and how much you are willing to risk.


Active Member
Risk being arrested, or harvest early, really tough question there..

If you are not a legal grower and you cannot contorl the smell indoors, then do not grow, period.
This is the best advice for anyone that is growing/considering growing.


Well-Known Member
your gonna have to manage your smell before harvest or yes it is going to get worse, imo if you cant afford a good carbon filter, and cant manage to DIY one you need to look into some ONA products. there are plenty here to claim they dont work (and ona block dont work worth a shit), but ona pro gel works very well you will be suprised. $20 for a quart container and you would just have to sit in in your closet and open the jar http://www.amazon.com/Ona-Pro-Gel-Quart-Jar/dp/B0026HRY6I . hope that helps, i use carbon filters and ona pro gel, have used ona block and it sucked, had a unpleasant odor to it and didnt last nearly as long as the pro gel.


Active Member
you should definately look into an ozone generator. Ive got one and it elminates the smell pretty well. Good luck!

what is this? how do i make it? buy it?

The reason i say i cant do a carbon filter is because i dont have anyway of sealing off the area to make all the air go through the filter. i could hang a carbon filter in my closet but that does nothing to MAKE the air go into it.

as far as the harvest goes. yea i know its going to get worse, that why i dont want to wait any longer than i need to.


Well-Known Member
Buy two gallons of ONA. Put one bucket outside your closet and one by your front door. People will think you're doing laundry 24/7 ;).