Will it grow?

I would be looking at a compact fluorescent light they're cool burning, cheap to buy and run and work well, idk about leds maybe there's an equivalent someone can recommend.
I'd also buy some decent substrate be careful with that insect infested stuff from outside!
It's blurry to me, or maybe I'm just high but a better pic pls?

Mostly listen to what everyone else has told you though, invest like $10-$20 on some decent soil/soiless. Plant another 1 or 2 (or 3, how many seed do you have?) because 50% will be male anyways.

What light do you have the seedling under right now?

Also some good places you should look to learn to grow are Jorges Cervantes, 'indica institue' on youtube, or Dr. Bruce Bugbee on youtube also has lots of relevant info on lights.
These are the pictures. The big one is the one I think is my seed but it's got weird little leaves so far for a marijuana plant. The little one could also be my seed but It's been like a week since I put in soil and it looks too small but I'll let you experts come to a conclusion.

I mean. If people in the household won't agree to it, I will respect their opinion and wait till I have my own place. I have to respect their opinion as well because at the end of the day this is their home as well and I don't want to damage relationships in here. I'll keep enjoying for now and daydream as you said. I wanted to ask, how long can it take for the seed to come out of soil from the point it it's put in the soil as a seed? Because this morning I notice the leaves are opening up but it doesn't look right. Take a look, would there be a chance that this big one isn't my seed and is something else that was in the soil and my seed is that tiny one next to it?
I started at about 19, it took me about 2 - 3 tries to get some good bud out of it. But I got a head start earlier enough in my life to outgrow most of my friends. ;)

Now with all the information online these days, you could do it in less. If you have your own room, why not setup a small tent? Do you have your own closet? Why not in there?

Germination usually takes 3-7 days and, Seed/Clone Process is usually 2 week before you transplant or move into a system.