will it produce or nah?


Well-Known Member
well you have like one big huge stretched thing there and all these other little plants in the same pot so I don't know what light you have but inside lights can only penetrate so far so u might get a bit of bud at the top but im unsure of the ramifications of the root tangling.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you have a great opportunity to learn to clone. take some cuts root them and get them more light when they are young then you have given this one, it will stop the stretching and make them grow fuller hopefully.

Also abuse your plants. Ruff em up a bit, give em a little shove here and there, don't say mean things though ! :) You give them a semi gentle ruffing up and you will strengthen the stalks and get them to grow thicker. Fans. You need fans, you couldn't have grown that plant near even a modest wind source or it probably wouldn't be so thin.

I see loads of potential clones, go to town bud :)