Will keeping a male in veg state prevent polination?


Well-Known Member
If I were to remove a male plant and keep him in vegitative state, would this prevent the pollen sacs from maturing until I allowed him to go into 12/12 flowering? (I know only females "flower")

If not, how about if I just kept cloning and destroying the "father" until I harvested and reveged/flowered the mother to allow seeds to then be made (after i got my sensimelia dope)

I'd like to seed my plants every year or two just to plan in case something happened to my mother. It's not that I'm cheap, I just don't like the waiting on the seeds and the tension of if customs grabbed the shipment. (Call me paranoid, I'd like to think careful).


Active Member
Get some females, flick them, pee on them, starve them, generally stress them out, and they'll go into being hermaphrodites. Pollinate with those, and you end up with femenised seeds. Much better way to gurantee genetic security without worrying about males. If I'm wrong, someone feel free to correct me.


Well-Known Member
Get some females, flick them, pee on them, starve them, generally stress them out, and they'll go into being hermaphrodites. Pollinate with those, and you end up with femenised seeds. Much better way to gurantee genetic security without worrying about males. If I'm wrong, someone feel free to correct me.
NO Pleaaaase stop spreading that misinformation (many people have been spreading it, and I'm getting worried cause I don't want everybody fucking their grow up with it). Making fem seeds is NOT that easy. That method will likely result in half females/half hermies.

As for the original question, just keep the males in veg state and you're all set. They don't make pollen sacks/release the pollen until they're well into 12/12. And making your own seeds is a perfectly reasonable idea. Search for threads on 'selective pollination' because that's definitely how you should do it.


Well-Known Member
My apologies. It appears I've been duped by some shady characters!!!! Grr...
Not a problem. Many people have been. I'm just trying to kill the rumor before too many people ruin their crop with it, ya know? The thing is, the CONCEPT of it is correct, as far as I know...it's just much more complicated and unreliable then you and everyone else made it out to be.


Well-Known Member
Thanks kilik2007

I was pretty sure that keeping them in veg would keep them in pre pubescent and impotent but wanted to make sure.

I'm just emerging the seedling state on my first grow and have my veg and flowering areas set up so this will be easy enough to do.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Male plants dont have to be in 12/12 to drop thier pollen sacs.I have had many over the years and they seem to sprout pods and pllen at will under 24 hours light..18hours light or 12/12..And yes dont use hermies for anything its a bad genetic plant and you dont want them. You can make your own feminized seeds but thats not how lol


Well-Known Member
Thanks Fletch.

I assume that is the exception rather than the norm but a possibility none the less huh?

So to be absolutely safe, once male pre-pollen sacks appear, I should remove them from the area, kill all but one, keep it in a veg state and hope for the best?

How about the continuous cloning idea? Will that increase the chances of delaying pollen sacks?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I kill males on site unless I want pollen then I take them to a different are away from any grows and use a simple box to toss them full fledge 12/12 under a small florescent just to keep it alive then when its showing pollan sack I place a bag over the top of the box and turn it upside down so the plant is in the bag except the pot then grab bag around the base and shake so pollen filles the bag then you can toss the male and make sure you wash your clothes and or shoes so no pollanation then you can store the pollen in a littl vile or jar


Well-Known Member
I should have thought of that! Simple and effective! DUH!
Then just "paint" them on the pistals when I'm ready.


Well-Known Member
That pollen can be dangerous! it has a nasty tendency to end up in your grow room when you don't want it there! be very careful with your pollen... if you do want a male, i say collect the pollen and try and store it somewhere for the future! just my thoughts


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I could imagine it really gets around. I'll be keeping the male clear on the otherside of the house in a temporary grow closet just for this purpose (with just CFL's) and will impregnante the female in the same location. If I were to do it in my regular grow area I can imagine there would always be some left over pollen that could affect future grows. Wouldn't want that.