You are confused about what fake news is. Fake news in today's context is wholly made up stories posted for either profit or propaganda. Propaganda isn't necessarily fake news. The most effective propaganda are stories based on fact but either slanted with a lie or complete bias that disregards factual accounts to disprove a claim. You like the word fake news but what you are reporting is a propaganda in the form of fallacious claim.
In size, scale scope and intent they aren't even similar in the least. What you present (actually parrot) is a fallacious comparison to justify an action -- in this case prevention of legal entry into this country for Trumps political purposes. It's just another example of the distorted way conservatives manipulate you and other knuckleheads to maintain power.
How can it be that Trump cares about national security in this action yet he hasn't banned entry by people from Saudi Arabia? Saudi Arabia is one of the few countries where terrorists came from who caused extreme harm in the US. The seven countries listed by Trump have never been a place of origin for one of those terrorists. So, this is just a game to Trump. And you lose.
Why you are doing this is beyond me. Trump's actions are all about maintaining power so he can make changes to the economy that enrich himself and his 1% golfing buddies.
Trump is shagging you. You are so loose back there that you don't feel it but really dude, he's not even using a condom. You should get yourself checked for STDs.