Will my plant be okay if the main stem is burnt?


Well-Known Member
What is your setup like? Type of lighting, temps, humidity since u switch to flower?

Usually burning means lighting is just too close, how far is your selected light from the plant.

I don't think one heat stress problem will cause it to hermie, is it truly the first day of flower or just the first day of 12/12, big difference.

Pics always help buddy but with a little more info I'd have more for you, also what lighting was it vegged under and how long?



Its first day of 12/12 with cfls hanging off of a CFL tube lamp and one of the bulbs was like sitting right on the main stem and you can see the burnt part. Turned orangeish


Well-Known Member
Depends how big the burn is.
Usually the plant can repair most damage.
Hermie. I doubt it.
If your plant looks stressed or sick it's never a good sign. keep an eye on that.


Active Member
It will probably be fine. Plants are resilient. If its really bad, and since you just started flowering... maybe you can cut it just under the burned part... let it veg for another week then go back to flowering.


Well-Known Member
you will be surprised what they will recover from. more then likely it will be ok . depending how bad. 9 times out of 10 your ok.


Well-Known Member
dude i have had plants get broke at the tops or even half way down and they have recovered fine without hermie. just be patient