will my plants be noticed?


Active Member
im growing a few plants outside on my balcony i heard that they smell alot when they are flowering, is it strong enough to be noticed by the neighbors?:confused:


Well-Known Member
how far a way are you neighbors? if its in an apartment they will defiantly be able to


Active Member
yeah man apartments are no good. try to make them not visible to anyone else during flowering cuz they will look around once flowering begins.


Well-Known Member
I've done apt balcony for 6 years at 6'+..no problems..but I'm sure always1618 is much more an expert then me


Active Member
it is an apt. im on the 3rd floor and there are two balcony directly below me..and one next to mine sepparated by a big concrete wall. the sides of my balcony both have walls and the top is covered so i have my plants right up to the screen so they can get the most sunlight, any ideas on how i can hide them without blocking the sunlight?


Well-Known Member
it is an apt. im on the 3rd floor and there are two balcony directly below me..and one next to mine sepparated by a big concrete wall. the sides of my balcony both have walls and the top is covered so i have my plants right up to the screen so they can get the most sunlight, any ideas on how i can hide them without blocking the sunlight?
Can anyone see it from their own living quarters/balcony?

If your neighbors smoke then they will definitely smell it and know what it is. In that case they probably won't report you, but they might hit you up for a cola.

They're gonna reek during flowering, there's nothing you can do to stop that. It's just about risk vs. reward and you gotta weigh that out for yourself.


Active Member
nobody can see my balcony from their balcony however if they go outside and go behind the building they can see it ill attach a pic so you can get a better idea:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
hey i live right above you , naw just kidding give it a try if you think people are suspecting you then ditch it so why not try