Will my plants finish?


Well-Known Member
I have 2 outdoor plants that I planted june 22nd. I'm in the northeast united states. They're both sativas, the smaller plant is a 9-10 week flowerer and the larger one is a 12+ weeker. They haven't preflowered yet, and I'm worried that the long flowerer won't finish flowering before the first frost in november (This is assuming either one of them is female). Do I have anything to worry about, or will nature take care of it?


Well-Known Member
honestly unless we get a freak summer like last year where frost didnt hit until november then highly dount it i dont think they even matured enough yet to flower in time to be done by november my afgahan just started flowering 2 weeks ago well showed sex and been flowering for a week now


Well-Known Member
Yea it might be a little late. I have some that I started in May 20th and they should be cutting it close.


Well-Known Member
i would force flower the big one with a tarp
just tent it with a dark colored tarp( dark green or black )so its gets at least 13 hours dark per day until it starts to flower. at that point it will stay flowering on its own.
that way it should finish bout the same time as the 9-10 weeker


Well-Known Member
Can't tarp, it's in my yard and it'd be too suspicious. Check my grow journal for pics, although I haven't taken any in a few days


Well-Known Member
damn yo, i got a couple of random indy's /sati's mixed in my backyard like 9 i planted june 1 so i know ill be good up here in toronto, our frost is november 6th predicted this year so i should be good, if not fuckit finish indoors under hps


Well-Known Member
I'm north of you and put them out a month late this year (fucking weather).. I keep mine out till oct - dec.. frost has never hurt my plants..just get them off the ground a few inches (if not in ground)... Just wait..the season is changing and your plants will take care of business.. Luck..


Well-Known Member
i put out my 2 on july 13th lol they are late and i kno it but i will be happy to see any type of harvest

but whats up with ppl and force flowering? i thought that it would be natural for plants to start flowering in 2-3 weeks
and end of sept/mid october harvest?


Well-Known Member
how could u be happy to see any type of harvest if the buds dont mature u wont feel shit off em or a very small buzz it be like smokeing mexican brown dirt


Well-Known Member
well its my first grow and i have zero expectations, my plants could be stolen any night for all i know....and its not like the size of the plant matters before going into flower(except for yield)

im pretty sure the daylight schedule around here is a week or 2 away from starting flowering naturally, so i figure my 2 12" plants will maybe double to about 2 feet and harvest sometime in oct. that sound reasonable?


Well-Known Member
here is an unsuspicious idea..........

Build a mini shed or a small shed (had at any home improvment store for cheap or check craig's list or freecycle) and remove the roof. Replace roof with the "iced or cracked" or straight transparent (translucent really but 80%) corrugated polycarbonate panels and you have a greenhouse.

This is simple. You cant see thru the walls and if you tie the bitches up you can train them in the shed and the roof will give you enough light that you can grow your stuff. It will prolong how much time you have to grow by a few weeks and if you fill the thing up with painted black buckets of water it will hold heat overnight for a much longer time.

This way when tied down you can have 6-8 foot plants finish out (if the sky lets them) and no one will see them.


Well-Known Member
well its my first grow and i have zero expectations, my plants could be stolen any night for all i know....and its not like the size of the plant matters before going into flower(except for yield)

im pretty sure the daylight schedule around here is a week or 2 away from starting flowering naturally, so i figure my 2 12" plants will maybe double to about 2 feet and harvest sometime in oct. that sound reasonable?
it hard to say if ur north east then probaly not unles they start flowering here real soon and outdoors plants flower alot diffrent ly then indoors out side they need to mature really before they start to flower i never seen nor had a two foot plant flower outdoors but i wish u luck man


Well-Known Member
good to know, check out my journal if u want, they were cut from a buddies mother plant in the first week of june....so thats there actual age, they have been outside since july 13th

funny u mentioned plants flowering differently indoors i was just about to ask that, with that said what is the difference?
do outdoor plants flower slower?

another thing ill tell u is that when i got the clones they had already shown sex as buddy put them through sexing, meaning they have already preflowered and stuff, does that give it somewhat of a headstart? lol

and right now i think the sun is up around 6 30-7 down by 9- 9 30

thx for all the help and sorry for cloggin ur thread buddy


Well-Known Member
yeah they flower diffrnt outdoors plants matured a detect the on coming fall by the hours of light shorting and nights and days geting colder so they start out slow then blow out indoors u got to change the light cycle and have to be able to tell when they mature thats usualy when the side shoots come in good and thick then u normaly switch and ull see more steady progress in doors then they blow out towards the end and they should be old enough than dude they should finish so i suspect ur in the clear and no it wont give it a head start but clones normaly flower quicker than non cloned plants from what ive seen i just started using clones this year really and ur lights shorting so theyll start flowering here soon
good to know, check out my journal if u want, they were cut from a buddies mother plant in the first week of june....so thats there actual age, they have been outside since july 13th

funny u mentioned plants flowering differently indoors i was just about to ask that, with that said what is the difference?
do outdoor plants flower slower?

another thing ill tell u is that when i got the clones they had already shown sex as buddy put them through sexing, meaning they have already preflowered and stuff, does that give it somewhat of a headstart? lol

and right now i think the sun is up around 6 30-7 down by 9- 9 30

thx for all the help and sorry for cloggin ur thread buddy

66 north

Well-Known Member
It looks like it is going to be a late year for me also it's getting to the point I am wondering if I haven't spent a summer of TLC for nothing .A friend is telling me not to worry I just wished I could be so confident as him.


Well-Known Member
It looks like it is going to be a late year for me also it's getting to the point I am wondering if I haven't spent a summer of TLC for nothing .A friend is telling me not to worry I just wished I could be so confident as him.
why worry man it will either happen and finish up or it wont one or the other will happen i mean a deer could ruin my whole season but i aint stressing about it fucking all i got left is one female afghan plant that should yeild 4 ounces hoping maybe more who knows