Will my plants grow?


ive planted my seedlings outside, and its been really cloudy recently, and it will be for a while, and the temp is around 55-60


Well-Known Member
You could cover them with a transparent material to keep 'em warmer and to allow some light to get through. If that's possible in your situation.


Well-Known Member
I would say if possible see if you can dig up the seeds and plant them in party cups inside for now until you have stable spring weather but if you cant do that lets hope they dont die...


yea soil that cold I really dont think you will see them come up bro..they should be in warmer soil and a humidity dom over it..


yea im leaning more towards them dying but i ACCIDENTLY germinated some seeds recently and i put them outside for now cuz im not prepared for indoors yet


Well-Known Member
What part of the country are you located?

In most of the U.S. it's too early. But in USDA Zone 8 you are probably okay. Zones 9, 10, & 11 - definitely okay.



yea it was bag. im not too attached to them haha..theyre at their 3rd node but they seem to be ok...theyre still hearty and green. they just havent grown too much(which is kind of good since im moving soon and can just dig em up and start up later in the month indoors)