will my plants revert?


So if i force flower several plants under 12/12 light and then once flowering is established i take them outside into the sun, will they revert or continue to flower? I live in Oregon, and i'd like to throw these newly flowered plants outside in late may or early June, is this a futile attempt?


Active Member
So if i force flower several plants under 12/12 light and then once flowering is established i take them outside into the sun, will they revert or continue to flower? I live in Oregon, and i'd like to throw these newly flowered plants outside in late may or early June, is this a futile attempt?

Autumnal equinox is Sept. 21-22 in the Northern Hemisphere; that's the day of 12/12 from Mother Nature. So, if you put them outside before then the photoperiod will be more than 12 hours, right?

Edit: In other words, to answer you - I think they would revert or stress to hermi or something. You'll be looking at 14 hours of daylight in June, and like I say, not going under 12 until late September. I don't think they would continue to flower, which seems to be what you want. Then again, I have no experience with trying it.


Well-Known Member
12 hours is a popular misconception, less than 14 hours daylight is the trigger level for blooming hormones to be released.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
12 hours is a popular misconception, less than 14 hours daylight is the trigger level for blooming hormones to be released.
Another misconception. It is actually strain dependent on every fruit bearing plant. 12 is safe cause ya are guaranteed to fall in the range to trigger procreation


Well daaamn, i'm putting out Afgoo, Blueberry northern light, Trinity/snow, and Panther in like 3 weeks, florce-flowered, so i guess i'll let you all know how that went


Well-Known Member
when the plants first revert the leaves are crazy. it doesn't even look like cannabis.retardo three leaves and single leaves.its awesome.:joint:


yeah i've definitely taken clones from plants early in their flowering, so i've had the pleasure of retarded single and tripple leaves, but i'm hoping these don't revert when i put them outside, i want to have an early and a late harvest this year, the late one being my main plot of 6 different, awsome strains let to flower whenever they please, and the early one being composed of a few smaller force-flowered plants, either of a strain i don't know is any good, or something i don't mind a little extra of.