will my technique work???

im going to grow four super skunk seeds in my 3x3 closet space. im gunna use 5 gallon bin and sterolize the whole room first. im using the ocean foxfarm soil and the grow big, big bloom, and big tiger fertilizer. i also heard for watering it is good to use aqua globes so i want to try that so i dont over water or under water. but i have a question on how to feed? i know i should wait about 3-4 weeks before feeding but how should i do it? just mix it in with the water? and also what kind of lights should i use. would one or two 100w hps lights work???? any advice helps just want a successful first grow!


Well-Known Member
well you dont need aqua globes, just water untilla few drops come out the bottom and water again when it feels light to pick up and the top few inches are dry.
and to feed yes just mix it in with water and then ph the water and adjust to proper ph.
follow the directions on the bottles and start out at 1/4 stregnth of what it says and then work your way up.
and yes 1-2 100 watt hps will work or 1 250 watt hps is better then having 2 smaller ones
Alright thank you. How much would I need to feed it? Everytime it needs to be watered?
Also I heard once you put the germinated seed in your not suppose to put the light on for 36 hours????


Well-Known Member
some have different feed schedules but i always do a plain feed every other watering. so it would be plain water then when need water again water with nutes and then after a few days when thirsty again just water and slowly increase the amount of nutes.
and i always used a light after i put my seeds in soil that way when they pop they have light


Well-Known Member
you still want N in flower just not as much, and it is a good idea to give veg nutes at a low dose during glower to stop premature yellowing
Alright I'm changin it up now. I can't afford and hps ballast so I'm goin to cfl's. Also growin 9 plants in a 2.5 by 2.5 room so what wattage should I use? Should a 300 watt light with reflector work? Or should I go a little higher?