Will New Health Care Law affect MMJ?


Well-Known Member
sources say... possibly. And not in a good way either.

Now that the government is trying to force mandatory health care coverage on us, (from a FEDERAL level), cannabis is STILL listed as a schedule 1 drug and as such I bet that causes ALOT of problems very soon. The VA (again federal) doctors cannot rec MMJ to veterans as the Feds prohibit it. What do you think is going to happen when the feds says WHAT other health insurance companies (and doctors) can and cannot do? Which they WILL DO. Mark my words... :cry:


Well-Known Member
It won't change a thing, MJ is already against Fed law.

Yes, as I already siad, Cannabis is a schedule 1 drug and againt federal law.
FEDERALLY mandated health insurance was not a part of MMJ in any state before though. Since the feds (who think they can do anything) are going to be calling the shots on regulation don't be surprised when they lower the boom on MMJ.


Well-Known Member
If you think the health care bill is regulating insurance companies or providing reasonably priced health care to the poor...well...don't feel bad...that is what they want you to think!

The ONLY purpose of this bill is to increase the profits if insurance and pharm companies, period.

There is NO difference between the 2 parties beyond the distractions they use to keep the public divided...it is a game...meanwhile, real shit is going on...we seem to get weekly updates though...never mind it is and will cost more than health care!

It will not effect MMJ. Please tell us what "sources" say it will
