Will rain hurt my buds?

k so my grow started a bit late, and right now it's pretty much 3/4 of the way done budding, there are very nice main stem buds, as well as nice buds with nice hairs/THC covering the smaller stems/leaves

seeing as I started somewhat late, the weather in the pacific northwest here is getting colder, and wetter

the temperature are still no where near 0, and its been fairly nice weather all this month

BUT.. the next 2 weeks i've decided are my last 2, and i'll be cropping around the 12th of next month

the forecast is not looking too good, as in the next week or so there are about 3 days of overcast/sun, and 2 days of showers, maybe a bit more

Should i be worried about the rain? will it effect my buds or essentially wash off the THC from the buds themselves if it rains hard enough?

Brick Top

New Member
Unless you will have hurricane type rains and winds where the raindrops could literally knock trichomes off of buds you don’t have to worry.

And you don’t have to worry about resin-heads washing/rinsing off because the resin-head is oily and it will not mix with water and become soft and wash off.
Now what you could have a problem with is rain, high humidity cooler temps, not much sun …. possibly bud rot … but not loss of THC through the loss of resin-heads washed off by any even normally harsh types of storms or a little worse than just normally harsh.


i live in northeast usa ive never seen such a bad season for growing around here, i lost maybe 2 ounes to bud rot already and who knowsw how much more ive just cut off trying to prevent while not even looking at what the potential of those buds ha...what a pity
what am i looking for with mold and bud rot? what does it look like?

one of of my shittier plants around the buds there are these little like orange fuzzy hairs they look like, whatever it is it doesnt look like it should be there and none of the other plants have this, is this rot?


Well-Known Member
what am i looking for with mold and bud rot? what does it look like?

one of of my shittier plants around the buds there are these little like orange fuzzy hairs they look like, whatever it is it doesnt look like it should be there and none of the other plants have this, is this rot?
due to my unfortunate but rot situation, i definitly know the signs, look out for brownish or dead finger leaves, if they look dead and they pull out easily, you got rot, it grows from the inside out, i live near the ocean and the humidity was at like 80% for over a week, good luck and i hope u ( or any other grower) don't have to deal with it, i had to harvest 2 possibly 3 weeks early:cry:



Active Member
Budrot is a major bummer. Nice pics by Land above. And as he says, it pulls out easily and is brown - you'll know when you see it - look for discolorations of any kind along with shriveled up, stressed leaves. At that point open up the bud and investigate. Cut out affected portion or lop off entire bud. Wet conditions and high humidity for prolonged periods, along with caterpillar activity, is a recipe for rot.

aknight3 I can't say I agree about the northeast usa. I am here and it hasn't been too bad (unless you count LOTS of rain and clouds better part of June and July) Humidity has been fairly low recently, and until very recently we haven't had any rain to speak of (of course i probably jinxed myself right there - as I sit here and listen to the rain!)
so it looks like rain didnt hurt them at all, and its gonna rain one more day and then be sunny almost till the harvest time..

looking at these pics, what do you guys thinking about cropping out in 2.5 weeks from now? it's pretty much the only time I will be able to dry indoors and its getting to the point where the weather may be too extreme for them to survive any longer then that:



Well-Known Member
im very curious on this thread.i have my first outdoor plant goin.it had 3 month veg indoors and was lollypopped(anticipating indoor grow)its been outside almost 4 weeks with some amazing growth.any idea what it could yield?i give it nutes once a week.FF. the strain is Gigabud.......

it rains alot and is kinda humid here.NE florida..im guessing bud rot will be my nemesis?

oh yeah...the gigabud was FMd so it was 4 main colas.


Well-Known Member
what am i looking for with mold and bud rot? what does it look like?

one of of my shittier plants around the buds there are these little like orange fuzzy hairs they look like, whatever it is it doesnt look like it should be there and none of the other plants have this, is this rot?
the orange hair are normal, it just depends on your strain i guess, dont know if the weather condition affects the coloration of orange hair. if you check pictures of strains when u buying onine...where ya think the orange buds came from?
sniperslayer those pics are amazing i can't wait till my plants look like that there just starting out flowering only 2 weeks in and they've really just grown lots of white hairs


If my buds are getting rained on and it looks like 2 days of solid rain what would be my best option? They were going to be harvested within days.
Will it be better to cut them down now (they are getting pummeled) and try and dry out? Or just wait out the 2 days of rain and let the sunshine dry them out? I have a monster tree and dont want to loose the buds. Thanks for the help.


Active Member
If my buds are getting rained on and it looks like 2 days of solid rain what would be my best option? They were going to be harvested within days.
Will it be better to cut them down now (they are getting pummeled) and try and dry out? Or just wait out the 2 days of rain and let the sunshine dry them out? I have a monster tree and dont want to loose the buds. Thanks for the help.
If they are in the ground then shake them off soon as the rain is over but be careful not to brake any branches but if they are in bucketts try to cover them somehow or put them under a carport etc. Good luck!!!