Will scrogging affect overall height?


Well-Known Member
One word of caution about scrogging a sativa or sativa Dom is that sometimes the sativa will freak out during flower and overgrow the scrog. Indicas usually want to grow bushy and finish flowering earlier than sativas. All these remarks are broad generalizations of course and there will be exceptions
ok I got ya totoe. I didnt really wanna run sativas for fear of that happening. I've never grown so I think something small and manageable like an indica would be good. Now I guess my next question is actually during the SCRoG'ing process. I've been reading you have to push the plant down back through your screen and force it to expand sideways for it to work right. Whats the technique behind it? Like I see pics of peoples plants just growing like crazy sideways. But should I trim something off in this process to allow the plant not to be over-strained or just let it go?


Well-Known Member
Ask some experienced scroggers, but yea you can use lst, topping weave the branches under the screen. I even saw one guy split the stem and bend the halves in opposite directions. Seems like the last method could be highly stressful/risky. Indicas are hardier plants, sativas have a rep for being more sensitive too. Scrogging will take patience and you will probably have to work with it everyday as the plant will want to grow toward the light


Class info there guys learned more in 2mins than hrs going through forums and terminology sites :)
i guess im going to be a sea of green grower then considering im on autos.
il take it then there is no need to trim back fan leaves on an auto?