Active Member
How moist you have your soil before adding your seeds?
Do you cover your containers?
Do you cover your containers?
I just plant the seed, then water untill runoff. i dont cover them with anything.
Thanks +rep
You can sprout them in a wet paper towels first also. That way you can weed out duds before potting. Just put seeds in paper towel inside a pint jar and keep towel wet but never let there be more than 1/8" standing water at the bottom. Put it in a dark place like the closet keep it 75-80 degrees f. Until they sprout. Once the white tap roots show. They are then ready to plant root down. Once the root shows don't let the dry out or they will die. Expose them to as little light and handling as possible. I have a jar in the closet now. Good luck.
I also live in a dry climate and I put plastic ziploc bags over the top to contain moisture. After the plants have sprouted and are looking healthy then I remove the plastic bags. It worked for me.