will the electric company find out?


I would like to run 12x600w in the basement. Its a small house. I pay all my bills on time. Would the spike in power useage tip them off? Im from eastern Canada

kevin murphy

New Member
electric companys are only interested in cash simple as that..aslong as bills are paid there shud be no bother...imo..


Active Member
It depends on how that usage compares with your historical average, the historical average of your area, and how prevalent grow operations are in your area.

kevin murphy

New Member
i dont think it matters if you havent got like 20,000 watt goin on with your house and u not riggin the leccy ull be ok..pay da bills


Active Member
They dont monitor useage that closely... they have a reading which is taken between every quarter and every year (here in the UK that is) which is why you can steal electricity without them knowing. they may find it strange that youve used more kwh than before but as previously said, as long as you pay it you can blag your running a kiln or something else which uses alot of energy.