Will these seedlings bounce back?


Active Member
Sprayed with med dose of eienstein oil and coco wet, saw they where burned, sprayed ph water in hopes to wash leafes of neem oil lastnight, pic is of this morning

Pics 3-4 are how they used to look like.


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Day um.... Wow. Just wow.

They can recover, the question is, to what? Did you leaf strip those or did they beanstalk like that naturally? What kind of light? CFL?
Need to get those lights closer, that stretch is too bad. What kind of lights u using?

I have the seedlings in 2 12 qt totes [homemade getto cloning tray], off to the side of veg rm, i have put them up a bit as seen in the pic below, i adjusted my light from 50% to 100% today, im hopping they will come back.
Its under a 600 watt mh.


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Day um.... Wow. Just wow.

They can recover, the question is, to what? Did you leaf strip those or did they beanstalk like that naturally? What kind of light? CFL?[/QUOTE

There recovering from a heavy neem foliar, ill never do that again. No leaf strip, they are "beanstalked" naturally i guess, i got my beans from ascb a colorado seed bank, helfire og and gorilla goo, they where in the corner not getting much light, i just moved them up a bit! .
ohh and light im using is a 600 metal halide!
Im pretty sure i just gatta wait and see, ill post a pic in a couple days
Just thought id see, if anyone has had seedlings recover, as i know there tempermental at such a young age.