Will they be okay?


Active Member
Welp. I got em all wrapped up in black tape, and now sit right under the light an inch away, the soil is perfect, and they're sound asleep. I think they'll do great. That timer is very important though... but at least I have everything else now.


Well-Known Member
Yea, not having a timer sucks because you have to be sure to be back in time to turn the lights off EVERYDAY.


Active Member
Yea, not having a timer sucks because you have to be sure to be back in time to turn the lights off EVERYDAY.
Yeah ill get one soon. Anyways, it should be fine. Thanks so much for the help man, baked now haha going to chill... this growing is stressing me out. It'll be okay I bet
Im sorry to say but you are not going to get 20 grams of dry bud with that amount of light you are using. Add more bulbs and keep them 1 to 2 inches away from the plant and when it grows move the bulb so it always stays in the 1 - 2 range.


Active Member
I did. And with cfls, it's around 1 gram per watt, if you take good care of them which I am. I'm going to basically be at 62 watts with good close care, so I should get around a zip of some okay bud is my goal.


Well-Known Member
ive seen a lot more first grows turning out very productive,this could very well be one of those.pulling a zip your first go round with cfl's might be overshooting and the only reason im saying that is because if you are growing a pure sativa plant than your looking at 3 months or more flowering time even from a 12/12 start if you want them to be close to their potential.i understand its an experiment and thats awesome theres another cultivator in the world,but if you want weight and cant get seeds online you can always try to find some indica like bagseed.i am in no way trying to be critical of anything your doing i just know how it feels to work for months on your garden(experimental work or not)a and only pull the expected harvest in terms of wet weight.then again i see some rough starts with first timers that truthfully end up blowing me out of the water(yield wise,with HID's)
best of luck samy


Active Member
Thanks a lot man, it's people like you who keep me going. One thing that's really on my mind though is when will there sex show, like will that be enough light till then? I'm going to grow both until they show both, and keep the female, or hermi, hopefully there is one, there should be. Anyways, then i'll just ditch the other or do something with it.


Well-Known Member
im not sure how long it takes plants to show sex that are started from 12/12,but with every strain ive worked with they all show sex within 7-12 days of the lights flipping..how old are they so far?ill do some diggin to see when other 12/12s show their unmentionables


Active Member
Got home, girls were almost dead. Stupid Texas heat..... were drooped over bad. got them water, and they're nice and perky and green again. checked online, my bulbs and splitter were shipped. All is good :) and yes, they say with cfls its usually 1 gram per watt.


Well-Known Member
that gram per watt estimate is most llikely from cfl growers that have fine tuned their environment/coordinated their strains to their setup over time,definitely not in all cases though since theres a higher # of growers with varying abilities using compacts these days.

also i found a post where someone was doing 12/12 from seed with super silvere haze.he said his males started to show sex from days 16-19,and by day 22 fems and all were showing.in another post someone said with 12/12 from start seeds they typically flower anywhere from 18-30 days.


Well-Known Member
no doubt man im learning things myself while trying to help too,thanks for not having that "no one can tell me shit" attitude.