will they recover


Active Member
a slight miscommunication with my girl led to my babies not being watered, so my question is can they recover? the leaves arent crunchy, and still feel like healthy leaves just droopy as hell. IMG1021.jpg


Well-Known Member
yeah ..should do , most important is to cool them down, and dim light until they have had a drink, water them and wait 30 minutes then replace under a raised light for 2 hours or so, for a more immediate response spray a hand pump of water on the leaves, water well the soil,

sativa indica pits

Active Member
kill the gf...save the plants.
my thoughts exactly, the best advice Ive read all day!!! lol
Yea the plants will pop back to life after they get some water for a few days. Ive let plants go a couple weeks before they got water, they loose most of the bottom growth, but the tops are the last to go, Keep it cool for a couple days so the dehydrated cells have time to get some water in them, I would spray the shit outa them for a couple days to, the cells will re-hydrate though osmosis. good luck with the cover up!!!


Well-Known Member

Hey come on don't blame gf for this. These plants are very overwatered from continuous drenching of the big rw cube in the small pot. The overwatering has also stopped the uptake of N.