will thhese work for vegg?

oilfield bud

Well-Known Member
I got 2 of these for stooped cheap.Supor 450W 10bands Full Spectrum //For Medical Flower grow Plants&Veg&Bloom.

Any1 have any experience with them?


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I belive this is an April led pannel...a cousin of mars led pannel...or maybe a clone bit like every clones it has a shorter lifetime than the common mortals, and, one day, you are going to post a pic with it at the bottom of a trash can.
Hope it will vegg your ladies well, but why didn't you ask before you bought it!??
You should think about diy a cxb/Vero pannel to reach the gpw...
Have a great day ★
Im already pumpin 1800w of hps in my 3x6 flower room, so this is strictly for moms in a 3x4 area, and I payed less then $11 for bothe of them brand new, and that included shipping. So really as long as they preform better then 1 42w cfl I could get for the same price... ill be happy, oh and a three year warranty came with them
We will talk about warranty when you gonna call for anything...11 $...lol
I know a guy he bought an i-phone for 20 € he thought he made a good deal...for a week than black screen and he always wait for the warranty...
11 $ i can't believe it...lol. they really need to make space in their warehouse to stock more brand new shitty pannels with epistar diode from the garbage.
But for this price you do not take risk, but i am sure it is far less efficient than a cfl even if it is cheaper. So spend more electricity, so more $ even if the price is good do not worth it at the end.
Have a great day ★
I understand buddy, each ony pulls 285 actual watts, but hey.... it was only 11 bucks, if it blows up the next day ill definitely post it lol, and ya, who really cares about a worranty over 11 measly dollers. It would definitely just get junked, I already have cfls and 4" flourescent lights in there,I just wonted to se if it would make the moms flurish a lil better thats all. But im definitely interested in the diy lighting. But I was gonna wait till I had more money to invest in the project
Yea man if it's like a Mars panel it'll veg great. Salmonetin is right, probably not very efficient but I still use an old Mars hydro reflector panel sometimes strictly in veg only and it does a great job. It's close to being phased out and hitting ebay or repurposed but I actually kinda like it. Diy is taking over my room tho
Heck ya. But Man I just dont know about led yet, im a really new grower and I just like how hps is proven to be so reliable. But im just starting to look into some diy cob led llighting. but I haven't even looked into any led grows yet to se how tbey stand up to hps.
Where did you find it...at this price I want to test it...
Like you said,there is nothing to loose...11$ it is nothing...
But since I am in EU maybe shipping cost are going to be insane...
Have a great day™
Actually it was frreee shipping, and i wass trolling ebay, all the other that where posted where around 200 bucks. I'm really surprised I won it for that cheap
Yes really lucky, cause i believe only the casing cost more than11 $...
Maybe they made a print mistake or something like that!
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