Will this affect my SOG


Well-Known Member
my seedlings are about 2-3inches above the soil, Should I start the 12/12 light cycle now ?

I understand my harvest will be less. lot less. But i have 2 rooms. SO ill constantly have enough smoke for me and the females. Ill be vegging and flowering in 2 different rooms.

My plants only have their first set of leaves.


New Member
no not in soil u have to wait to mature that plant if youtook clones from a matureplantand rooted them they would do better, from seedling at least 4weeks of veg


New Member
well theres some strains u can do that with and others youll get disappointing yeilds/results if yourgrowing with a lowryder seed or something similaryoull be fine..


New Member
but y pay so much for seeds if your not gonna get the full potential of the plant, pay 5-25 bucks a seed to only get 7-12 grams then pay elec and water and soil and ferts better off buyn it from someone off the street