Will this cheap dehumidifier or similar work for 4x4 tent?

I'm looking at a dehumidifier for my 4x4 tent. RH is usually at 45% or so, temps range from 75-85 degrees. Had a little problem with PM this grow, thinking maybe a dehumidifier will help.

See a few like these on Amazon:


Will it fit my need?

NO! A relative RH of 45% is plenty fine!

You need to filter the incoming air.

You REALLY need to sanitize everything in that room and every surface of the tent and the room and contents, that the tent is in!!!
Bleach mix 1:10 ratio and spray every fucking thing there is in that room! Every surface and forget NOTHING! Bottles, tables (top and bottom), ceiling, floor, walls, the tent - every surface, fans, intake lines - EVERYTHING!

Search for a thread called "PM the final word"
If your humidity was really at 45 then you shouldnt have got mold. Usually during lights off rh is higher. If your rh is 45 then you dont need that dehumidifier. Or yes it will work.

When i filled my 4x4 up with 9 3 gal pots i needed something like this to keep it perfect during winter when its humid here. I like to keep my rh in flower 30-50% max.


OK I just started leaving an exhaust fan in. Hopefully that helps keep RH low. When the light is in the RH is 45%. The PM outbreak wasn't too bad, it was mostly on the very bottom branches so I carefully cut and quarantined them/threw them out before sanitizing everything with bleach water and treating the plants with oeroxide, milk, and sulfur. The PM is completely gone now, im more planning prevention for the next grow. Thanks for the info, im curious if the type of technology that dehumidifier I posted is even legit.
That shitty looking thing will do fuck all.

Lol well I see that technology 'peltier' no compressor or whatever is used on dehumidifiers priced under $100. I don't mind spending more but I'm curious to hear if that technokogy is legit or complete shit gimmick. Looks like I will spring for the Frigidaire Buddha posted?
NO! A relative RH of 45% is plenty fine!

You need to filter the incoming air.

You REALLY need to sanitize everything in that room and every surface of the tent and the room and contents, that the tent is in!!!
Bleach mix 1:10 ratio and spray every fucking thing there is in that room! Every surface and forget NOTHING! Bottles, tables (top and bottom), ceiling, floor, walls, the tent - every surface, fans, intake lines - EVERYTHING!

Search for a thread called "PM the final word"

How do I filter incoming air into my tent? I have 2 passive vents always open, and one zipper door half open to let air in, a fan for over the canopy, a fan blowing under the canopy, and a fan sucking from in the tent blowing into the AC hood and exhausted out (this one I started leaving on for 24 hours).

And yeah I cleaned everything with bleach water (tent, room, fans) sprayed plants with peroxide and let dry, next day I sprayed with milk and sulfur and let dry (lights off both times). I don't see anymore PM but don't want to chance anything so a filter or dehumidifier solution is next.
You don't need to filter your air coming in. Just keep air moving and 45RH is fine. I've grown in 70s range no problem. Air movement is key.
How do I filter incoming air into my tent? I have 2 passive vents always open, and one zipper door half open to let air in, a fan for over the canopy, a fan blowing under the canopy, and a fan sucking from in the tent blowing into the AC hood and exhausted out (this one I started leaving on for 24 hours).

And yeah I cleaned everything with bleach water (tent, room, fans) sprayed plants with peroxide and let dry, next day I sprayed with milk and sulfur and let dry (lights off both times). I don't see anymore PM but don't want to chance anything so a filter or dehumidifier solution is next.

You don't need to filter your air coming in. Just keep air moving and 45RH is fine. I've grown in 70s range no problem. Air movement is key.

Ok, Ok, you don't "need" to filter air to the tent,,,,,I would most likely look at filtering air coming into the place I have the tent.

BUT, If you sanitize like I said and "keep the air moving" like tjack said.....You should be ok....

Take a read of this thread.

I'm looking at a dehumidifier for my 4x4 tent. RH is usually at 45% or so, temps range from 75-85 degrees. Had a little problem with PM this grow, thinking maybe a dehumidifier will help.

See a few like these on Amazon:


Will it fit my need?
They are crap! I just threw away two of them that were used once. I ran both in a 3x3 tent. If you need a dehumidifier, those cheap ones just don't cut it. Hope you didn't buy it already.

Be aware that a real dehumidifier raises air temperature several degrees, so if heat is an issue already then running a dehumidifier will raise your room temp. I learned that I can't run one in the summer when my lights are on...just too damn hot in the room.
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