will this fan work?

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
personally if i was you i would look for a centrifugal fan. that fans a mixed flow (how we call them down under) sure it will work, but when you hook up a filter. centrifugal fans really force more air than the mixed flow.
they are also cheaper on amazon than that one, just type in centrifugal fan
I agree with the centrifugal fan , I went with a 6" with a variac speed controller, and you cant hear a peep out of that fan when its slowed down, but in your box a 4 inch can fan ( made in germany), would not only cost less, but be quieter than that inline fan in question, here is a link to the 4" version http://www.ebay.com/itm/Can-Fan-S-400-Inline-Centrifugal-Fan-125-CFM-4-Inline-Fan-Ventilation-Exhaust-/111240883053?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19e6792b6d
and here is a link to the variac speed controller
hope this helps some


Well-Known Member
Wish i would had waited. That fan sounds good. Im hoping with some isolated ducking it with be quite.