will this fill in?


Well-Known Member
You still have a good amount of development left to go but that dosent look like its gonna stack hard


Well-Known Member
Dude you're still a long way off from harvest, if they stay green and happy they'll thicken up quite a bit. Might not be huge colas but some fat chunky nuggets that weigh up.


Well-Known Member
In the same boat , but yours is definitely very crystally. I believe this is the type BagWeed kush that happens from unknown seeds. Mine looks EXACTLY the same. Buds will be NUGS - small round compact. These longer node length strains produce small rounds.

She looks good , you still have time to go . They will fatten a little bit more.
I'm just happy it's healthy and producing . I have 7 others going also and this is the only one that looks like this. Just get her to the finish line ! :clap:



Active Member
I would 100% recommend trying the aptus believer pack at least. if it were me, i would make the whole switch. super easy to use and gets amazing results. but hands down the fasilitor will make closer nodes. so does Bloomboost.