will this frosty female finish before the spidermites can do serious damage

this is my first grow and am using 4, 4 ft floros-2 warm, 2 cool and 2 additional warm cfl's on bag seed from an exceptionally good bag. i am at least 10 weeks into flowering and i cant tell if these chrystals are clear or cloudy. ive recently noticed a spidermite infestation, and ive sprayed lightly with a 50/50 alcohol /water spray. and ive been using ladybugs faithfully since. will this girl finish before the spidermites will ruin her, or have they already?


I think i can see a little amber in the first pic.10 weeks flowering!! Should be done.
i know! right? should be hangin by her boot straps but shes taking forever i added extra 2 red spectrum cfls 5 weeks ago. girlfriend is on my ass to be done. i dont have a geem loupe or a microscope but ive been taking extreme closeups with a good digital cam and zooming in and i cant find any amber sugar
you guys sure? i was really wanting to go for a half couch lock thing here. id feel better if i could find a lil amber , but most appear cloudy and a few still clear (from what my untrained eye can tell)


Well-Known Member
You still have a few weeks on that IMO. You said yourself it's still showing new growth, the leaves aren't browning and drying like they do when a plant nears the end of it's life cycle. No color to the trichs, white hairs still, that plant still has 2-4 weeks left to reach it's potential. Tell the girlfriend that good things take time, remind yourself of the same and wait it out. It will be worth it. Harvesting early is a big mistake.
You still have a few weeks on that IMO. You said yourself it's still showing new growth, the leaves aren't browning and drying like they do when a plant nears the end of it's life cycle. No color to the trichs, white hairs still, that plant still has 2-4 weeks left to reach it's potential. Tell the girlfriend that good things take time, remind yourself of the same and wait it out. It will be worth it. Harvesting early is a big mistake.
thanks for the input, i was concerned that the mites would ruin it before it would finish. + rep for taking the time to give advice