will this kill spider mites, or hurt my plants?


New Member
ok i have 3 young plants around 1month old, i havn't seen any spider mites or had any real problems yet. I heard that spraying your plant with water/garlic/alcohal will prevent and kill any mites but will that hurt my plants?


Well-Known Member
If you want to prevent things from taking up residence in your plants then get yourself some neem oil.

Fortnightly treatments of neem will make your plant taste badly to pests.

Neem also has the added benefit in that it disrupts a pests life cycle by retarding growth of the pest.



Well-Known Member
Einstein oil has been around for quite a while too, just not many ppl seem to hof heard about it not sure why

Neem oil is effective against an array of garden insect pests that attack medical marijuana plants. Mites, thrips, gnats, whiteflies and aphids are all soft-bodied insects that can be treated with neem.
The problem with most neem oil is a lack of purity due to the extraction process. High heat and abrasive chemicals used during extraction reduces the amount of the active ingredient, azadirachtin, found in neem. This, in turn, makes the neem oil ineffective for use as an insecticide. Einstein Oil is produced differently. The process of extraction used for Einstein Oil is a cold water extraction. This process will take a little longer but will retain almost all of the neem oil’s azadirachtin content.
The higher percentage of azadirachtin found in Einstein Oil will battle bugs in a few different ways. It works as an anti-feed and the insects will choose to go elsewhere for their lunch. Einstein Oil is also a growth regulator. Any insect that eats or absorbs Einstein Oil cannot molt. If an insect is unable to molt into the next stage of its lifecycle it simply dies out. Additionally, insects seem to sense the presence of Einstien Oil and will not lay their eggs on treated plants.
The scientists who created Einstien Oil understood that a plant with an insect problem is going through stress. That is why they enhanced the formula with several other potent herbal ingredients in order to reduce stress caused by insects and help keep your medical marijuana plants healthy and green.
The dosage for Einstein Oil differs greatly depending on the plant variety. I generally start with 2 teaspoons per gallon and will increase it up to 2 tablespoons per gallon on certain varieties. Like any foliar treatment it, is always advised to test a small portion of the plants before spraying the whole crop.


New Member
i've heard of somthing called SM90 that is supposed to be good for most bug / pest problems. would it be better to buy neem oil or SM90? and will the garlic/water/alcoal combo hurt my plants at all?


Well-Known Member
i've heard of somthing called SM90 that is supposed to be good for most bug / pest problems. would it be better to buy neem oil or SM90? and will the garlic/water/alcoal combo hurt my plants at all?
Yeah its used in "the cocktail"



Well-Known Member
ok i have 3 young plants around 1month old, i havn't seen any spider mites or had any real problems yet. I heard that spraying your plant with water/garlic/alcohal will prevent and kill any mites but will that hurt my plants?
I don't know about that. Try to go catch a couple lady bugs the thrive to eat spider mite. I always works and never hurts a single leaf. Try and tell me about what happens..


Well-Known Member
If he's gonna use a insect should get something cool like a praying mantis, they sell the eggs online and he wont have to go chasing bugs with a net outdoors looking like a 10 year old :D


New Member
i know lady bugs work but i dont want to run around and catch them and look wierd to my nieghbors, im going to try and spray them with the garlic/water/alcohal combo and hope that i continue to have no problems, if i do i'm thinking on buying the sm90 but that costs like 25$ a quart so i hope my mixture works and keeps any pests away. a praying mantis would probably end up eating the ladybugs and doing no good besides cool looks haha


Well-Known Member
Refrecing to the question at hand Id not use that remady Id go lady bug but If u care about looking weird more then ur plants then go for it. I don't go on a hunch he say she say or any info that cant be backed up by at least a few ppl. Grow with care.