Will this plant stop growing soon?


I started flowering a plant at 12" tall and 2 weeks into flowering it is already 26" tall. It has outgrown my box so I had to quick rig another set up. Could this plant grow well over 30" tall? Thanks. This plant was also grown from a 7 year old seed.


Quick answer: Yes, unfortunately plants may grow up to 3x larger in flower. Depends on genetics and environment.


Just going to go out on a limb here. But if you can control the temp for the first couple weeks, it should theoretically slow down the stretch and level out. From all I have been reading, when you give those ladies optimum temps they just grow like a weed.......pffft. So maybe try keeping your temp just a smidge on the cool side and it could possible stay a little bushier. Peace.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
I started flowering a plant at 12" tall and 2 weeks into flowering it is already 26" tall. It has outgrown my box so I had to quick rig another set up. Could this plant grow well over 30" tall? Thanks.
i always flower my plants at 12" regardless if they've shown sex. but that's not an option in a box. there's no telling how tall it will get. even a strain that's supposed to remain small, may get big. if i were in a box, i'd be doing a scrog anyways. you may want to look into that.


i always flower my plants at 12" regardless if they've shown sex. but that's not an option in a box. there's no telling how tall it will get. even a strain that's supposed to remain small, may get big. if i were in a box, i'd be doing a scrog anyways. you may want to look into that.
I thought you had to flower then to get them to show sex.


Well-Known Member
I thought you had to flower then to get them to show sex.
Nope. After about a month of vegetative growth they will show preflowers. Females will have a couple pistils in the crook of the nodes. The males will make a few pollen sacks that look like little balls. It's basically them hitting puberty.


Well-Known Member
From the looks of it I would have guessed sativa. Then again I am growing a "supposed" sativa that has indica looking leaves and no stretching between the nodes.