Clown Spoog
New Member
Do yall think this will work?
I have to got about 100-150 yards with it.
Do yall think this will work?
I have to got about 100-150 yards with it.
I hope that was a typo, the man is asking about a 65 gpm pump.How many feet of elevation difference is there between pump and grow sight, there are many equautions available in pond supply magazines on calculating pump flow. Just to lazy to get you one. Off the top of my head, at 65 gph you will not be able to make 475 feet, unless it is completely down hill the whole way. You will need about 10 of these, one every 50 feet to maintain flow.
I speak this from very much experience with building waterfalls, and such, I am quite the salt water aquarium and pond hobbiest, I have used 2000 GPH pumps and only gotten about 20 feet of flow out of them with a 5 foot elevation between pump and sight. There will be a point when no water flows at all due to friction loss to the velocity of the water flowing through your pipe.
Thread resurrected.I've always used streams, river, ditches, and ponds for water and have never had a problem. The pond water I use usually has lots of algae in it and looks like the plauge was born in it, but I strain the water through a screen to get the large stuff out. The water is pretty clear for the most part once I put it in jugs. I dig rings around my plants about one and a half feet from the stem that are about six inches deep and six inches wide to collect the water I deliver and rain water. This works extremely well and I have never had a problem with the water.