Will this work for "hot" soil.


Active Member
Hey,i recently got a bag of multi-purpose compost from homebase,which says it's suitable for most types of seedlings and plants.However after watering with just water,the run off e.c was 2.00 ,which seems alot for seedlings..and as it happens my seedlings aren't doing good.They sprouted fine and grew the next set of leaves after the coteyledons but then things have slowed way down to a stop and it hasn't done anything in 3 days

I'm wondering is it a nutrient burn situation,i flushed them there now and have the run off down to 0.40 which is basicly what my tap water is.i'll start over again if they haven't picked up in 5 days.

This is my question,Could i start my next grow off in the same compost,if i flush it out good before i plant,THEN when the plant is big enough transplant it into the unflushed compost ?


New Member
You could give it a try
Or just use the same stuff but only after you have grown In other soil of media. had the same issue with FFoF on some strains. They did fine if I let them grow out a Few weeks and then Transplanted into it.


Active Member
mate, if you can get to 'homebase' then you can go to a grow shop in your area, get good soil to start, a tenner a bag.


Active Member
aye i know,will probably do that the next time ,but i got a 60 l bag of this stuff,i'd rather use it if at all possible.