Will this work ? What do I need ?

do you have a cat? my cat loves eating fragments of my plants..

I do, but I keep her locked out :D, Could have been me, i went and put petroleum jelly around the pots, they say bugs won't crawl through it so only risking flying critters, which I don't have none, I do sometimes get ants in my house, so they may be responsible not sure, but none of my other plants are damaged, except 1 has a small fracture, probably just something I did, I am hoping atleast, but taking measures to keep them safe, Got 4 tops growing on each plant nice and strong.
As you see, I'm still moving and adjusting with the yarn as I go for optimal growth, I think they are starting to get pretty strong... Also I'm pretty sure they are all Females, I continue to watch there growth, and look up reference pictures, and they all seem to be growing female hormones not male.. could be wrong, but its like a 98% match for the female parts I have seen online, and they all have the exact same organ growth... Notice the pigment change, that is because I recently moved, and so they where in darkness for the last 10 hours... Thought about finishing the darkness to 36 and 12/12in but probably to soon :P
are you adding nutes ? leaves look yellow but i dont think a few extra hours would turn the yellow. how old are they now?
are you adding nutes ? leaves look yellow but i dont think a few extra hours would turn the yellow. how old are they now?

They are at 6 weeks old, The leaves were all nice solid green, tell I left them without light for a whole day :P They are coloring back up again, I read online that if you leave them in the dark for to long, it resets there pigment and there internal clocks to start flowering, not sure if they started that process and I interrupted it or not...

Also, I got home today and found this:


Is that just resin forming on my plants... or what is that ? I live alone, and I never spilled anything on it, It feels like maple syrup there is about 5-6 of these spots on the leaves of one plant, the other plants don't have any of it.
i couldnt tell you! never seen rez like that but it could be?
I mean it feels like rez, the only smell I get off it is a marijuana smell "hard not to haha." I was even brave n tasted a very small peace of it, it tasted kinda harsh, didn't taste like any kind of syrup anyone would be eating, just lost as to what else it could be if its not :D I posted in the newb central see what they say