Will this work


Well-Known Member
Will this work for hydro medium its all natrul with nothin added it says anyway ima try to make cubes and test it out on sum bag seed
Fyi i live in ghetto town and nothin else is available i mean nothin
No. It will stay wet. Not good. Hey man, they sell fish supplies everywhere. Right now I'm using rocks used in the bottoms of aquariums. Lava - red lava used in propane barbeque grills works great. Even pea gravel or the gravel spread on the streets in winter for ice. If using anything gathered, wash it and use water with a weak bleach solution to disinfect. So tell me now - what nutrients do you get there in Ghettotown? And where do you get them?
Will this work for hydro medium its all natrul with nothin added it says anyway ima try to make cubes and test it out on sum bag seed
Fyi i live in ghetto town and nothin else is available i mean nothin
No and If you in a place without the proper supplies. Just do soil.
Its not a real sponge it takes like 5 mins and its bone dry

Bet it would wick the solution and stay wet enough to cause damping off. Gravel is far better. I've seen guys use styrofoam "peanuts" because they won't wick solution up and allow root growth.
I found this idea from another forum it should work its not a sponge it doesnt hold water like that is there sum kind of dry out test
Try It, Take pictures, Come back and share results, or start a journal, well all be watching. I Hope you pull Pounds my friend...Peace
Cut the sponge up in 1/2" to 3/4" chunks and mix it with 1/2" to 3/4" rockwool cubes at a 50/50 ratio and you will have a version of "mapito". I happen to be growing in it right now (hempy bucket style) and the results are awesome. It's hot right now in Holland and may be the #1 medium at this moment. Mapito is rockwool cubes mixed with either Polyurethan "couch" foam chunks or coco fiber chunks. You can't do wrong with the sponge unless it has a pH you can't presoak out in one shot. If it holds air, it would be a prime counterpart with rockwool as it hold a lot of water. I've seen those sponges at wallyworld too and thought the cost was high for a trial run myself.