I will pass down things I do, so they will still be done in the future. I do not know if I will persona;;y be remembered that long though...Anyone think they will be remembered in 100 years or so?
I sometimes ponder this question about myself, but then I think, do I really care?
Anyone fear that they wont be remembered?
Think about this hierarchy of standing legacies (Top is the smallest, bottom is the biggest legacies):I have an idea of a small business that will do very well, I just need my first client. Once I'm established and I get a few clients I'll invest into a warehouse, get more clients and then diversify into fast food franchises. By the time I die, I want my business to have several different franchises in different locations in Canada and my initial business will have warehouses in many major cities. It will be 100% self sufficient for my kids and it will be equally owned by all of them.
Agreed, most people won't be remembered. Most people don't even go outside any more, or stop watching TV long enough to talk to their own kids...No kids here either. But, even if you do have kids...100 years? No one around in 100 years will have known you, that's for sure. And, unless you are famous or did something or invented something or whatever, few people are remembered in 100 imo.
Godspeed, FinshaggyAgreed, most people won't be remembered. Most people don't even go outside any more, or stop watching TV long enough to talk to their own kids...
The reason I think my methods and ways of doing things might be remember is...
I have an invention I just have to patent, have an original idea for glass blowing, am breeding my own strains, plan on making a cartoon or just art, am going to be traveling the world, may get involved in politics later in life, and MUCH much moreThat's just the beginning
That's not true.I hope not because thought is a product of fear...and if we still live in a fear driven society 100 years from now humanity (which I'll still be a part in) can never love and have happiness. In 100 years it is essential for humanity to no longer limit itself by restrictions thought has created such as division. WE ARE NOT SEPARATE! its a man made illusion that we created. "You" are a part of humanity. "We" are humanity. *so my prediction is in 100 years your question will no longer be valid.*