Will You Take The Vaccine?

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PJ has explained before how he gets paid so he doesn't care if his venues lose money. The big wigs are willing to operate with 25% of capacity. They are making a safe choice, though. Clearly a lot of PJ's colleagues are out of work. PJ's fine so that's all that matters.

I've worked with dickheads like him. They are the worst slackers, the first to complain and nobody likes them.
Yeah, we're awful people for not wanting to pack the venues just to make extra money, instead of simply scaling back to run smaller shows with a smaller capacity. I'm not a slacker either. I kick ass, and know wtf I'm doing. That's why I'm one of the few in my industry still employed. I've worked every job in my industry from the front of the house to the back of the house.

I never voted for trump, i voted for Jo Jorgensen..Libertarianism is the solution because the other two are utterly worthless..


Trump was worse than worthless, he was an active danger. A third party candidate vote was worthless, which is why it was pushed so hard for people to be tricked into thinking it wasn't to help Trump.

whats the big deal with people marrying who they wish, grow with what they wish and defend themselves with what they wish? its not a hard concept to grasp.
That is why voting for Democrats would have been the right choice. Right now they are the only party that is trying (and have any ability) to legislate for 100% of the nation.

Right as we get to a party that represents everyone in the nation and not just a bunch of old white rich guys and people get tricked into thinking it is time to blow everything up because the Democrats were not able to fix 4 recessions and fix everything that the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda has left to rot in the 7 out of the last 50 years or so.
Nah I heard all the folks are making to much money on unemployment to return to the poverty wages "job creators" are offering
Yeah it really is annoying to hear business owners crying about not being able to get people to come work their slightly above minimum wage that is dealing nonstop with the public (which if the Karen videos have shown anything is that a percentage of them are radicalized to being safe and rational with masks/vaccines) selling that owners goods, during a pandemic, and blaming it on their potential employees making too much money on UE.

I do feel for the owners of these stores, but not enough to want to see a bunch of people rush back into dealing with the public and getting themselves and their families sick.
Nah I heard all the folks are making to much money on unemployment to return to the poverty wages "job creators" are offering
They are in some cases, namely the restaurant and hotel industry.

Those are where there's a huge shortage of workers. There are many wait staff that are being paid the equivalent of 17 dollars per hour on extended and enhanced unemployment that are normally paid 2.75 per hour plus tips.

Would you go back to work?

Of course not. You, like they, will use that maximum benefit until it runs out and then go back to work.
They are in some cases, namely the restaurant and hotel industry.

Those are where there's a huge shortage of workers. There are many wait staff that are being paid the equivalent of 17 dollars per hour on extended and enhanced unemployment that are normally paid 2.75 per hour plus tips.

Would you go back to work?

Of course not. You, like they, will use that maximum benefit until it runs out and then go back to work.
In another industry
Ummm you said 3 actually? It’s ok the world needs “rodeos” ;).
Maybe not right now but don't tell some people that.

'Exercise our right': Central Alberta rodeo to proceed against COVID-19 restrictions
A rodeo scheduled for this weekend in defiance of provincial health regulations is still a go according to organizers.
But the “No More Lockdown Rodeo Rally” is facing stiff headwinds.

First, the Bowden Agricultural Society revoked it’s permit for the group to use the town’s rodeo grounds. That move was made following discussions with Alberta Health Services.

“I think it would have been good for the businesses here in town,” said Bowden mayor Robb Stuart. “I know the town and the AG society has done everything they possibly can to ensure we weren’t infringing on anybody’s rights to still follow like we have to deal with under the Alberta Health Services’ protocols.”

Secondly, a pair of rodeo cowboy associations distanced themselves from the event. The Foothills Cowboys Association and Wildrose Rodeo Association recently reversed course and withdrew their support of the event.

They went on to lash out at the decision and at provincial authorities saying, “We will not stand by idly and watch as not only our businesses but also our Western heritage and more importantly, our basic human rights are ripped out of existence by the tyrannical beings of our current world.”

The event is set to become as much a political rally as a sporting event, listing guest speakers well known for their opposition to COVID-19 health restrictions, including Innisfail activist and mayoral candidate Glen Carritt.

“We’re in civil disobedience right now and if people don’t move forward with civil disobedience then the next step is not fun,” said Carritt. “We want to exercise our right our freedom to assemble.”
They are in some cases, namely the restaurant and hotel industry.

Those are where there's a huge shortage of workers. There are many wait staff that are being paid the equivalent of 17 dollars per hour on extended and enhanced unemployment that are normally paid 2.75 per hour plus tips.
I waited tables, pretending like hourly wages have anything to do with how much money people make is nonsensical.

Bitching (or even nicely voicing) about people maybe, maybe, making about the same as they would while having to breath in the same air as hundreds of other people spitting, hacking, and sneezing all over everything while serving them food during a pandemic is bullshit.

These businesses are not able to get employees because (in most cases) they have treated them as disposable for the entirety of their being in existence and the government is being very reasonable to make sure that they maintain some ability to survive in a capitalist society while most of these businesses were unsafe to work in.

Would you go back to work?
Are you talking about in a non pandemic world?

Of course not. You, like they, will use that maximum benefit until it runs out and then go back to work.
In a non-pandemic world on a busy night back in early 2000's I could clear $200-$300 on a busy night. $100 on virtually any stay shift, so yeah even if I was just waiting tables again, in a pre-pandemic world, people get back to work.

And when those benefits run out I am guessing is coinciding with the ending of the pandemic, so it is no great prediction to guess that people will go back to work when their benefits run out.
Maybe not right now but don't tell some people that.

'Exercise our right': Central Alberta rodeo to proceed against COVID-19 restrictions
A rodeo scheduled for this weekend in defiance of provincial health regulations is still a go according to organizers.
But the “No More Lockdown Rodeo Rally” is facing stiff headwinds.

First, the Bowden Agricultural Society revoked it’s permit for the group to use the town’s rodeo grounds. That move was made following discussions with Alberta Health Services.

“I think it would have been good for the businesses here in town,” said Bowden mayor Robb Stuart. “I know the town and the AG society has done everything they possibly can to ensure we weren’t infringing on anybody’s rights to still follow like we have to deal with under the Alberta Health Services’ protocols.”

Secondly, a pair of rodeo cowboy associations distanced themselves from the event. The Foothills Cowboys Association and Wildrose Rodeo Association recently reversed course and withdrew their support of the event.

They went on to lash out at the decision and at provincial authorities saying, “We will not stand by idly and watch as not only our businesses but also our Western heritage and more importantly, our basic human rights are ripped out of existence by the tyrannical beings of our current world.”

The event is set to become as much a political rally as a sporting event, listing guest speakers well known for their opposition to COVID-19 health restrictions, including Innisfail activist and mayoral candidate Glen Carritt.

“We’re in civil disobedience right now and if people don’t move forward with civil disobedience then the next step is not fun,” said Carritt. “We want to exercise our right our freedom to assemble.”
A stay in the razor wire motel for anybody who shows up. They either believe covid is fake news, which makes them dangerous idiots, or they think covid is real and that makes them murdering bastards. Intern them for the duration of the public health crises and fine them life altering amounts. I and other responsible Canadians are tired of this bullshit, change the laws if required and make such things mandatory internment. We need to deal with people who have no brains or sense, or simply don't give a shit about others, they need to be dealt with immediately and firmly. They can have their hearing via video with a judge, but everybody needs to realize the magnitude of their crimes and the death and injury they are responsible for. How else can you deliberately murder people and get away with it, other than this? I don't really care what they "believe", tell it to the judge from the razor wire motel.

I wonder how many of these assholes don't want to wear masks or get vaccinated?

Lesions from this pandemic should include how to deal with assholes who hide behind so called political motives. If they cry freedom, teach them responsibility and the consequences for being stupid and dangerous.
Yeah, we're awful people for not wanting to pack the venues just to make extra money, instead of simply scaling back to run smaller shows with a smaller capacity. I'm not a slacker either. I kick ass, and know wtf I'm doing. That's why I'm one of the few in my industry still employed. I've worked every job in my industry from the front of the house to the back of the house.

Black crowes in July, Primus in September. Think it'll still happen?
Black crowes in July, Primus in September. Think it'll still happen?
Outdoor venues, absolutely. Some indoor venues may get cancelled depending on what the future holds.

My first 5000+ venue show likely won't be until September, just focusing on a new small outdoor venue for now.
Outdoor venues, absolutely. Some indoor venues may get cancelled depending on what the future holds.

My first 5000+ venue show likely won't be until September, just focusing on a new small outdoor venue for now.
Primus is for sure outdoors. Fuck yeah.