Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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Warnings about your IUD.

Does the positioning of the IUD matter?

Sometimes, an IUD can slip out of place. If that happens, the risk of pregnancy is higher.

To check the placement of your IUD:

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water.
  2. Get into a comfortable sitting or squatting position.
  3. Insert your index or middle finger into your vagina. You should be able to feel the string attached to your IUD, but not the hard plastic of the IUD itself.
Contact your doctor if:

  • you can’t feel the IUD string
  • the IUD string feels longer or shorter than it used to
  • you can feel the hard plastic of the IUD coming out of your cervix
Your doctor can use an ultrasound exam to check the internal positioning of your IUD. If it has slipped out of place, they can insert a new IUD
Nope. My body, my choice.
Covid's not something you can keep to yourself, if you could it would be just your business. The government won't force you unless you are military, or work for the feds The private sector has other ideas and there will be idiot premium on healthcare insurance, they aren't gonna pay for stupidity. Planes trains, buses and boats are under federal regulation and many venues and businesses will require POV. However covid gives you immunity too, it's even natural and organic, like death itself.
Nope. My body, my choice.