Not sure what an unvaccinated chickenshit won, except a case of covid and maybe death, or being fucked for life. You would think he would want everybody vaccinated he can convince, just to protect himself. He claims to have deadly allergies, but appears to have made no effort to seek medical advice or help with a vaccination. His only posts on the topic are to cherry pick and mine for reports of problems and try to amplify them here. Perhaps he needs to be right, feel vindicated and does have medical issues, in which case his ego might kill him. His behavior is counter productive for someone who is gonna depend on herd immunity for safety and perhaps his own survival.
It's his choice to make, I have no disagreement over that. Given what he's said already, he thinks his industry will be just fine. He hasn't yet accepted there are some bad consequences from refusing the vaccine but they will come his way. And the slacker will complain and cry like a bitch just like he always does. Narcissists are like that.
Given this reality, that the US will not achieve herd immunity through vaccination, I'm trying to decide what to do for myself and my family. We will all be vaccinated tomorrow, I'll be getting the second dose, so we will be as protected as possible. But the long term implications affect all aspects of our life, from my kids education to how my mother is cared for. My work will never return to what it was. Do I still want the job or, given that I'll be working mostly from home forever, maybe there is a better position for me somewhere else. How does this affect my community?
It's a great change that we are seeing unfold. We could have stopped the epidemic last spring and we could have stopped the epidemic this month but that won't happen. So, I'm going from "what can we do as a community" to "how to best position myself and my family to prosper through this".
Its all part of the grieving cycle. I had gone through denial, anger, bargaining and depression. Now moving on to acceptance. What was is dead. What is next, we wonder?