Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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And my childhood was fine, not really any different from any other kids. It was from family that the religion got forced. Outside of the abuse that too many kids went through due to adults claiming religious exemptions, it shouldn't be taught in our schools or funded by our government.
That's unfortunate that your parents forced you towards religion. So your experience isn't really about freedom of/from religion, it's more about authoritative parents.

I personally have never forced my kids to participate in any religious parties. Yes, I have participated in a few Jewish holidays (I'm not Jewish) with my kids, but that's because their friends parents invited us over to celebrate their traditions, and the kids wanted to accept the invite. We all had a pretty good time, and the local Rabbi even showed up on two occasions. Nice guy. I never felt pressured to follow their religion, and neither did my kids.

I generally agree about not teaching religion in school, with the exception being history of religions. I was never raised religious myself at all, but I did choose to take Greek Mythology/Bible History in High School, as I was very interested in the stories. Later in College I took a class on Eastern Philosophies, which covered various eastern religions (assuming that you consider Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, etc to be religions). I'm really quite glad to have been exposed to multiple religions without having to actively practice or participate in religions while doing so.
That is law, not the constitution and law can be changed easily, the constitution not so much.
That is true, but that law is based upon the constitution. Without religious freedom being a part of the constitution, it would never be a protected class in terms of employment.
I guess it is so subtly different that it really stopped mattering at some point.

I get what you're saying, and freedom of expression can be super frustrating, especially when what is being expressed is hatred. Unfortunately there isn't a law against hatred, although maybe there should be one. We'd have to go out and arrest most contributors in this thread however, if it was against the law to be a hater.

Seriously though, how would you suggest that we draw a line in terms of free speech, in an effort to curb vocal and outward racism without also infringing upon positive speech?
I get what you're saying, and freedom of expression can be super frustrating, especially when what is being expressed is hatred. Unfortunately there isn't a law against hatred, although maybe there should be one. We'd have to go out and arrest most contributors in this thread however, if it was against the law to be a hater.

Seriously though, how would you suggest that we draw a line in terms of free speech, in an effort to curb vocal and outward racism without also infringing upon positive speech?
We seem to do it well enough.
That's unfortunate that your parents forced you towards religion. So your experience isn't really about freedom of/from religion, it's more about authoritative parents.
There are so many flavors of religion it is impossible in rural America to not see all sorts of examples growing up. Taking a bus for an hour each way every day for years you get to know your neighbors pretty good through their kids. Same with public school in general.

I personally have never forced my kids to participate in any religious parties. Yes, I have participated in a few Jewish holidays (I'm not Jewish) with my kids, but that's because their friends parents invited us over to celebrate their traditions, and the kids wanted to accept the invite. We all had a pretty good time, and the local Rabbi even showed up on two occasions. Nice guy. I never felt pressured to follow their religion, and neither did my kids.
Yeah I really was not a fan of getting up early Sunday morning all sore from wrestling tournaments all day on Saturday in the winter.

I generally agree about not teaching religion in school, with the exception being history of religions. I was never raised religious myself at all, but I did choose to take Greek Mythology/Bible History in High School, as I was very interested in the stories. Later in College I took a class on Eastern Philosophies, which covered various eastern religions (assuming that you consider Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, etc to be religions). I'm really quite glad to have been exposed to multiple religions without having to actively practice or participate in religions while doing so.
Yeah I agree there is no reason for our schools to pretend like religion doesn't exist, and there is very interesting histories to be learned by them all.

But it cannot be allowed to creep into sciences and history the way that the radicalized school board members try to get it to be.
I get what you're saying, and freedom of expression can be super frustrating, especially when what is being expressed is hatred. Unfortunately there isn't a law against hatred, although maybe there should be one. We'd have to go out and arrest most contributors in this thread however, if it was against the law to be a hater.
You pretend like there would be multiple people to arrest.

Seriously though, how would you suggest that we draw a line in terms of free speech, in an effort to curb vocal and outward racism without also infringing upon positive speech?
I don't know why you are thinking that I am saying that we draw that line?

People are going to think, feel, say, and do whatever it is that they do. Nobody can stop it. But that doesn't mean that there shouldn't be some kind of rebuttal.

As for the online attack? I would love if our government started just contacting people when they come across a militarized troll cat fishing them maybe. At least give people a chance to see through the fog of the propaganda they are being spammed.
You said that only people who own land or earn money should be allowed to vote, so you're tying a person's rights to their wealth, but if a person wanted to connect rights to something other than citizenship, that's probably the worst connection one could possibly make. If we just look around us, it's easy to see that money is our god and money is the reference to truth. If you were to make the change that wealth(i.e. land/income) = rights, then you'd only be reinforcing one of the worst aspect about ourselves today.

Growing and using cannabis is in no way a window into anyone's soul and has no bearing on a person's decency.
Where I live the extremely poor have farms and only low life criminals take/sell/grow drugs.
Having a few ounces of cannabis is a 10 year jail term.

I doubt there's anyone of importance in your community that would consider you as a cannabis grower to be a decent human being.
Quite a lot of forum members have openly admitted to spending time in jail and having felony records.
Where I live the extremely poor have farms and only low life criminals take/sell/grow drugs.
Having a few ounces of cannabis is a 10 year jail term.

I doubt there's anyone of importance in your community that would consider you as a cannabis grower to be a decent human being.
Quite a lot of forum members have openly admitted to spending time in jail and having felony records.
It's your problem that you live in a shithole country, try to improve the place instead if whining here. Cannabis is legal where I live, so is growing it, perhaps it's time you joined the 21st century.
"Over the last few months, after vaccination, people have seen that anybody getting infected is not getting seriously sick, nobody is dying, nobody is getting a lot of complications," he said. People in the islands -- who he said love to party -- have been socializing without taking precautions. "People have let down their guard."

Sounds like the vaccine works.
Talked with a friend last night that I haven't seen since last year. Covid has ripped through his family sickening most of them badly. His mother tho has suddenly gotten Parkinson like symptoms and is incapacitated now.
Not really sure about CDC's latest release,here in MA it's still masks required,possibly a new outbreak will have CDC revising requirments again for all I know,I,m at laundry now and fully Phizered up,2nd shot 5-6 wks ago and I still feel like maintaining distance, It;s going to feel strange letting go of precautions after 15 months of staying away from everything, CDC seems to have rushed to put out the "it's OK now" vibe after saying we still basically needed to mask up just prior, and they missed the boat on surface transmission big time(wish I had stock in Clorox), turns out surface trans. of Covid is 0.10 % though all the disinfecting probably is what's responsible for the virtual disappearance of Influenza this last winter. Guess things are still in a wait and see transition mode.ccguns
Not really sure about CDC's latest release,here in MA it's still masks required,possibly a new outbreak will have CDC revising requirments again for all I know,I,m at laundry now and fully Phizered up,2nd shot 5-6 wks ago and I still feel like maintaining distance, It;s going to feel strange letting go of precautions after 15 months of staying away from everything, CDC seems to have rushed to put out the "it's OK now" vibe after saying we still basically needed to mask up just prior, and they missed the boat on surface transmission big time(wish I had stock in Clorox), turns out surface trans. of Covid is 0.10 % though all the disinfecting probably is what's responsible for the virtual disappearance of Influenza this last winter. Guess things are still in a wait and see transition mode.ccguns
They basically said you can go maskless if vaccinated to get more people to take the vaccine.
Im still sitting on the fence as I can't even remember having flu in my life but I did have whopping cough as a child because of a similar vaccine /brain damage scare some 46yrs ago.
For now i will wait for more Guinea pigs to step forward and see what comes as my wife's been ill from both her Jabs.
But politically... I sit here in disbelief daily no one's looking at China, given they have almost the same population mass as India yet mocked the recent high cases India has had to deal with.
Are they still covering up cases/deaths? why almost 18 months on has the WHO not got any answers on how they are 'seemingly' keeping covid at bay.
How come Russia shares a border with China yet their cases are relatively low also.
Too many unanswered questions we will likely never find out.
They basically said you can go maskless if vaccinated to get more people to take the vaccine.
It feels rushed and I wouldn't be surprised to see them backtrack(would you?), and when Ohio runs a FKN lottery to encourage vaccination I have to pinch myself as to what happened to common sense,a the beginning of vaccination, when I saw all the doctors and nurses on the front lines eagerly taking the shots was all I needed to want it, I mean these are all educated and intelligent people that wouldn't roll em up if they had fears.ccguns
Im still sitting on the fence as I can't even remember having flu in my life but I did have whopping cough as a child because of a similar vaccine /brain damage scare some 46yrs ago.
For now i will wait for more Guinea pigs to step forward and see what comes as my wife's been ill from both her Jabs.
But politically... I sit here in disbelief daily no one's looking at China, given they have almost the same population mass as India yet mocked the recent high cases India has had to deal with.
Are they still covering up cases/deaths? why almost 18 months on has the WHO not got any answers on how they are 'seemingly' keeping covid at bay.
How come Russia shares a border with China yet their cases are relatively low also.
Too many unanswered questions we will likely never find out.
So you' re a vaccine chicken shit, I'll wait for the 12 to 18 year old's and see if they die! Sounds like you never avoided brain damage. Take the fucking jab for Christ's sake, or at least for those around you, not to mention yourself, here something a selfish prick like you can relate to. Maybe yer wife will like the idea of covid limp dick though...
Coronavirus Lingers in Penis and Could Cause Impotence (webmd.com)
Coronavirus Lingers in Penis and Could Cause Impotence

HealthDay Reporter
THURSDAY, May 13, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Men now have one more compelling reason to get a COVID-19 vaccine — doctors suspect the new coronavirus could make it hard to perform in the bedroom.

How? Coronavirus infection is already known to damage blood vessels, and vessels that supply blood to the penis appear to be no exception.

Researchers armed with an electron microscope found coronavirus particles in penile tissue samples taken from two former COVID-19 patients who became impotent following their infection, which had occurred six and eight months earlier.

Further study revealed evidence of blood vessel damage in the penises of the COVID-19 patients, compared to two other men with erectile dysfunction who'd never been infected, the researchers reported May 7 in the World Journal of Men's Health.

"We found that the virus affects the blood vessels that supply the penis, causing erectile dysfunction," said senior researcher Dr. Ranjith Ramasamy, director of the reproductive urology program at the University of Miami's Miller School of Medicine. "The blood vessels themselves malfunction and are not able to provide enough blood to enter the penis for an erection."

Ramasamy compared this to organ damage in the lungs, kidneys and brain that's been found in COVID-19 patients.

"We think the penis also could be affected in a similar way," Ramasamy said. "We don't think this is a temporary effect. We think this could be permanent."

The new report focused on two recovered COVID-19 patients undergoing penile prosthesis surgery for their erectile dysfunction. Both men had normal erectile function prior to their infections.

One of the men had been severely sick with COVID-19 and spent two weeks in the hospital before he recovered, but otherwise was free from chronic health problems.

The other man had a relatively mild case of COVID-19, but suffered from clogged arteries and high blood pressure before becoming infected.

Both men still had COVID-19 particles in their penile tissue, as well as evidence of endothelial dysfunction — a condition in which the linings of small blood vessels don't function properly and fail to provide adequate blood supply to different parts of the body.