Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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So, shove it with the false narrative. Covid is now a preventable disease. Tens of thousands dead and millions infected in the past few months from the unvaccinated crowd:

From 3/1 to today (5/17),

4,333,000 people contracted covid-19
70,000 dead
1,000,000 with long term health problems due to the effects of the virus.

All illnesses and deaths during that period were preventable but for the fact that those people had not been vaccinated.

Of the vaccinated,

maybe 1 person died from covid?
Maybe a handful with long term health problems or death due to the effects of the vaccine.

123,000,000 have been vaccinated. About 200,000,000 are not.

Get vaccinated. For your own good, get vaccinated.
He sounds like Tucker who was "just" asking questions, that everybody already knew the answers to. When they speak about X% of healthcare workers not wanting the vaccine, they are mostly referring to the uneducated support staff who clean the floors, work in the kitchen, deliver things and other menial tasks. Not the educated ones directly involved in patient care, they line up early for the vaccine.

Most long term care facilities have largely uneducated staffs as well, only a few nurses, or other medical professionals work there and they all have high vaccination rates. Most of the staff of these facilities, move patients in and out of bed, clean the place and work the kitchen. The statistics are kind of meaningless really, anybody with an education, or even a brain and can use it, gets vaccinated.

This is a despicable veiwpoint. Gross. I need a shower. People who sweep the floors and cook your meals don't have brains? Professional success is the only indicator of a beautiful mind? You sir need to do some deep soul searching.
He sounds like Tucker who was "just" asking questions, that everybody already knew the answers to. When they speak about X% of healthcare workers not wanting the vaccine, they are mostly referring to the uneducated support staff who clean the floors, work in the kitchen, deliver things and other menial tasks. Not the educated ones directly involved in patient care, they line up early for the vaccine.

Most long term care facilities have largely uneducated staffs as well, only a few nurses, or other medical professionals work there and they all have high vaccination rates. Most of the staff of these facilities, move patients in and out of bed, clean the place and work the kitchen. The statistics are kind of meaningless really, anybody with an education, or even a brain and can use it, gets vaccinated.
That creep has been floating innuendos, exaggerations and leading questions like a propaganda pro.

I don't know if he is a troll or just a dupe. My bet is on dupe.
This is a despicable veiwpoint. Gross. I need a shower. People who sweep the floors and cook your meals don't have brains? Preofessional success is the only indicator of a beautiful mind? You sir need to do some deep soul searching.
He didn't say that.

God damn, man. Did you know that there were 5,000 choking deaths last year? Maybe you should liquify your food. After all, food is more dangerous than the vaccine is.
I've already seen you promoting internment camps I think... whose the creep? In your profile picture, you'd be the guy driving the tank.
Another logical fallacy, this one an ad-hominem.

So, what about driving a car? Do you refuse to drive because it's so much more dangerous than the vaccine?
This is a despicable veiwpoint. Gross. I need a shower. People who sweep the floors and cook your meals don't have brains? Preofessional success is the only indicator of a beautiful mind? You sir need to do some deep soul searching.
It's painful, but true, uneducated people fill menial jobs and this is supported by data, it is a simple fact, nothing more. Uneducated and stupid people fall for conspiracy theories and bullshit like the anti vaccer crowd, most educated people are vaccinated, as are most people with brains who are not educated.

Face it, only a fucking fool or someone whose ear has been shit in, fall for the anti vaccer message, the statistics speak for themselves. White evangelicals and republican males are the two largest groups who refuse to be vaccinated, both of these groups are fools by any reasonable definition, both believe bullshit and lies so transparent most children can see through them.
He didn't say that.

God damn, man. Did you know that there were 5,000 choking deaths last year? Maybe you should liquify your food. After all, food is more dangerous than the vaccine is.
Logic is not his strong suit and the facts are not on his side either. Just another vaccine chickenshit trying to rationalize their cowardice and profound ignorance.
Another logical fallacy, this one an ad-hominem.

So, what about driving a car? Do you refuse to drive because it's so much more dangerous than the vaccine?
I've had enough of these radical antivaccers and wanna be a radical vaccinator. I advocate mandatory vaccinations and internment for those who protest public health orders. Just like my liberal government here in NS is doing. ;) Why fuck around with idiots?
Today's paper. Intensive care patients at a record high of 71, the last peak in December we had 54. The model they are using predicts we could have 124 by June 21. Pre-pandemic we had a total of 72 ICU beds. And then there are the normal patient complement, car crashes, burn victims, heart attacks...

And my mother (92) talked to her neighbour who was afraid to get a shot because his friend got sick. I would trade being sick for a couple of days with the knowledge that I won't be ending up in an ICU bed.
So, what about driving a car? Do you refuse to drive because it's so much more dangerous than the vaccine?
I refuse to drive a car because the roads are too crowded.
Always a m/c then I can overtake on either side and weave in and out the traffic.
It's painful, but true, uneducated people fill menial jobs and this is supported by data, it is a simple fact, nothing more. Uneducated and stupid people fall for conspiracy theories and bullshit like the anti vaccer crowd, most educated people are vaccinated, as are most people with brains who are not educated.

I suspect you of being one of the uneducated, too lazy to work people.
I'm one of the wealthy, over-educated and too lazy to work people ......... but I did have to work until I was age 45 to earn my wealth.

I took my first dose of Phiser this afternoon, nothing to it and no side effects.

A friend and his wife are both in the hospital after a small breakout in my town. He was suppose to be vaccinated in another couple of weeks and just got unlucky.

I suspect you of being one of the uneducated, too lazy to work people.
I'm one of the wealthy, over-educated and too lazy to work people ......... but I did have to work until I was age 45 to earn my wealth.
I suspect you of being one of the uneducated, too lazy to work people.
I'm one of the wealthy, over-educated and too lazy to work people ......... but I did have to work until I was age 45 to earn my wealth.
I'm retired with a corporate pension. Who'd you rip off for your money and are you living in SE Asia to avoid US taxes and alimony payments to your first wife?