they're just saying that to take our minds off WTF is going on in Congress; trying to get us to be scared of aliens instead of our government (which is pretty fvcking scary).And every once in a while they come up for a bit of fresh air.
they're just saying that to take our minds off WTF is going on in Congress; trying to get us to be scared of aliens instead of our government (which is pretty fvcking scary).And every once in a while they come up for a bit of fresh air.
they were over the lake where i used to live in Florida..literally a few blocks from my house- my daughter walked in, it was Halloween like she saw a ghost and was so shocked she started to cry..we went back there it was gone but she drew a picture to document what it looked like. Kind of like a triangle stretched out with a few lights so she could see the outline.And every once in a while they come up for a bit of fresh air.
We're polar opposites. Tetanus doesn't effect me at all. The 2nd covid shot made me sore as hell for a day and a half.Only been 2 days since my 2nd shot but I have had ZERO side effects from either shot.
Tetanus shot definitely leaves arm more sore.
I don't know if UFOs are same as Plasma Beings. I don't think so. Ask @Nubiewithboobies , he is the one with the inside scoop on all things to do with truthy stuff.And every once in a while they come up for a bit of fresh air.
I thought UFOs were outdated grow lights?I don't know if UFOs are same as Plasma Beings. I don't think so. Ask @Nubiewithboobies , he is the one with the inside scoop on all things to do with truthy stuff.
View attachment 4915406
Greatest number of side effects of ANY vaccine in the last decade. I only have a degree in microbiology, so what do I know...
Maybe we won't need regular boosters after all.I'm 'halfway' through taking the vaccine. Had the first shot of 'Monkey tail' *headslap* Astrozenica vaccine
I have to wait 2 months now, so the next one is on the 29th of July. Although, I can probably get a closer appointment (as , in the UK, they created more 'spaces', so there are plenty of appointment places).
Didn't even feel the needle.
Had a slightly sore arm the next day and a little joint pain (in my right wrist).
All things you expect when taking a vaccine (effects caused by your immune system adjusting to the vaccines addition - normally represented by inflammation somewhere in the body).
Public conspiracies have been fascinating to watch (very educational and a look into the minds of the people). Especially as the conspiracies are so tailored to very specific countries vaccines (giving an obvious hint to where these conspiracies started life *I'll leave it to you to guess where*
I was lucky though, I got warned to look out for this stuff early. I thankfully have a relative that is at the cutting edge of CV-19 research (including autopsying those that have died from it).
With CV-19, there is much more research to do they have been doing other things like creating vaccines etc.
The deeper effects (on things like the nervous system are still not known - and will be different from person to person).
While its 'long form' CV people are more scared of, the short form has deeper effects too. I know someone who got the short form a year ago. She had the symptoms of no taste or smell. She got over it but, one year later, she still has no taste or sense of smell (hinting that the short form can effect the nervous system too). The heart (and other organs) are just the top layer, the deeper nervous system (etc) still needs to be examined (as it hasn't been yet).
However all that is mute really, as CV-19 still hasn't 'become' what we were warned about at the beginning. It is still growing/evolving (its only about 2 years old after all - a baby, growing to maturity).
Its THAT form of the virus that the medical community were always warning about (not that it was translated well to the public).
At this point, vaccinations only slow this inevitable growth (as we failed to stop it going global). Add to that, it crosses the species barrier.
Bottom line, we need the vaccine to keep up with its adaptions.
If I didn't get a vaccine (and I'm betting that means at least once a year), in a few years, there would probably be multiple strains around me ..that would kill me on first contact. CV-19 is still 'becoming' ..don't get behind the trend my friends.
Want ever concerns you have with a vaccine ..your concerns for CV-19 should outweigh that. Unless you have some very specific underlying medical condition. In which case, you tell your doctor before getting the vaccine and let them decide if a pre-test before the vaccine is performed is needed (its all you can do).
I wonder if plasma beings emit a light intense enough to grow cannabis by just being in its presence?
Yep, the good thing is the vaccines intertwine with one another ..mostly, because a number of them are simply close 'copies' of the other vaccinesMaybe we won't need regular boosters after all.
Vaccine protection may diminish need for yearly boosters
The world’s leading COVID-19 vaccines may offer lasting protection that diminishes the need for frequent booster
Scientists have found clues that the world’s leading COVID-19 vaccines offer lasting protection that could diminish the need for frequent booster shots, but they caution that more research is needed and that virus mutations are still a wild card.
Critical studies are underway, and evidence is mounting that immunity from the mRNA vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna does not depend exclusively on antibodies that dwindle over time. The body has overlapping layers of protection that offer backup.
Wait, wait...NY is rewarding ppl? Huh?that announcement came from the CDC about two weeks ago for the whole US. it's not just NY.
We don't have the t-shirts in the UK ..but, they give you a sticker/badge ('I have been vaccinated from CV-19') when you get the vaccine.Added this to the back of my “I got the Shot”T shirt. GO TEAM!! We can do it!!View attachment 4915481
Wish you luck with that. My mom, dad, and brother in law all said it was a hoax.I identify as vaccinated.
That should take care of it. No science involved.
That sucks man, hopefully they get better soon, and then all the way better afterwards now that they are utterly exposed to the power of this propaganda warfare.Wish you luck with that. My mom, dad, and brother in law all said it was a hoax.
They all have contracted the virus. Weeks later they are still too weak and unable to do basic chores of life with out struggling to breath.
Mom and dad still coughing, headaches and body aches are better. Appetite beginning to return.
Dad had been telling me all these crazy things he had been reading about the last couple years. Turns out it was all the BS q anon crap. We have had several arguments over the past months.That sucks man, hopefully they get better soon, and then all the way better afterwards now that they are utterly exposed to the power of this propaganda warfare.
I would love to see more creativity and celebrating and coming together on such a huge level. This shit is Epic! It’s the entire planet in this together, Yet I see very little creativity being done by businesses and groups . Totally missed opportunity's to really stand out and rock this significant time of healing. All the free give away I have seen are totally pathetic. Donuts and French frys? A free beer if you jump through a bunch of hoops. They make it unhealthy really not much fun at all . Hoping for something more significant in the next few months. I don’t want to just pretend like it didn’t happen.We don't have the t-shirts in the UK ..but, they give you a sticker/badge ('I have been vaccinated from CV-19') when you get the vaccine.
Although, I laughed that they give them out after the first vaccine you need two to be vaccinated. But, I didn't 'rock the boat' with the staff, I got what they were doingI naturally wear the badge to advertise the vaccination process now