Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Well-Known Member
The flu shot doesn't keep you from getting the flu. It reduces the risk. You have to get it annually.
Having Covid reduces your risk of reinfection for 90 days, but you can be reinfected unlimited number of times.
Ivermectin has been around for a long time. It works for parasites, but is not effective for viruses.
You can not fix stupid. Some people are just a waste of energy. Theirs and yours. I am cheering for the virus. It is a strong player. Making the changes it needs to make to keep going. And in record time. Lots of viruses never make the required leaps.
American vacc rates don't matter, except short term. This thing is travelling around the world. The rest of the poor bastards that Cant get a shot will spit out a new variant. One of these will make the change to the spike protein that will bypass the vacc eventually.
Where did that 90-day number come from?


Well-Known Member
I can ,,who trusts the f.d a. Wouldn't be the first time they let a drug pass that had problems. Remember there are drugs being used in other countries that help people but the F.D.A says no to them. So,who trusts the fda .
Your mom takes fda drugs then tells me to lick her pussy


Well-Known Member
lol a fact check site article of a news paper reporting on a study? Took you long enough but try harder.


That ivermectin study was in february of this year. That's when ivermectin was just being introduced in the countries I've listen who have seen massive reductions in deaths post introduction. Try harder.
Oh hey when we were having gay sex last night you told me you were retarded. I said thats ok and then came in your hair. Lets do it again


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've been posting the real world data, from the same sources y'all tell me to blindly obey. You've just been whinging and complaining :lol: Come back when you have a rebuttal that isn't "because I said so", and get some bengay for that chapped ass of yours

You shouldn't concern yourself about this.

Most pea-brains will never understand it either.



Active Member
You are so CUTE when you sling those turgid adolescent insults in that unselfconscious way. It makes me want to (tremulous exhale)

But as the vaccine imparts the obvious advantage you recognized, that is enough reason for me to not want to put up with lying idiots who say acquired immunity is better than vaccine-induced. A cockeyed take on freedom does not excuse or modify.
Aquired immunity is better than vaccince induced symtpon reduction. It's a proven fact, and you're just crying like a whiny baby nazi because you can't prove otherwise. All you can do is demand jews like me get ostracized and alienated for not wanting a useless vaccine that hardly protects myself let alone anyone else. May as well ban cigarettes, beer, abortion, premarital sex if you're going to normalize my freedom away. I'm not allowed to "risk" my health? When that stats from the CDC show I'm not at risk at all? Make like the rest of your crazy authoritarian nazi rat bastard P.O.S. brethren and go to nuremburg and get your balls stomped in. We jews wont let you german nazis oppress us like you did before, and it's hilarious watching you get mad about it.

lol yeah fact check a right wing propaganda site that will cherry pick shit and selectively ignore others to sell whatever right wing death cult narrative that they are currently using trolls to spam across the internet so that their radicalized cult continues to be very unsafe during a global pandemic that there is a very safe and highly effective vaccine available.

God it must suck to have to work so hard to be so ridiculously transparent in your scam.

Wow, what could have possibly happened in Feb of this year that might just be a far far far greater reason for the reductions in cove deaths.

View attachment 4979025

It couldn't be that was when the vaccine became available.

No, it has to be the shit you give to livestock to clear out their worms.

The funny thing is that there is no reason to try harder to find the scam in the shit you post. Because it has been the same kind of shit that the right wing hate mongers have been doing for the last decade to get vulnerable people to convert to their cult.

you still haven't disproven the study the article linked to. You can say "cherry picked" because you don't like what you're reading, but you're gonna have to prove it instead of just saying it over and over again sweetcheeks :D
The flu shot doesn't keep you from getting the flu. It reduces the risk. You have to get it annually.
Having Covid reduces your risk of reinfection for 90 days, but you can be reinfected unlimited number of times.
Ivermectin has been around for a long time. It works for parasites, but is not effective for viruses.
You can not fix stupid. Some people are just a waste of energy. Theirs and yours. I am cheering for the virus. It is a strong player. Making the changes it needs to make to keep going. And in record time. Lots of viruses never make the required leaps.
American vacc rates don't matter, except short term. This thing is travelling around the world. The rest of the poor bastards that Cant get a shot will spit out a new variant. One of these will make the change to the spike protein that will bypass the vacc eventually.
uh, you don't have to get the flu shot, and ivermectin has been showing antiviral properties. Also mutations are much more likely to occur in those injected with a leaky vaccine, look up merek's disease in chickens. Don't know what you're getting at bud.


Active Member
Oh hey when we were having gay sex last night you told me you were retarded. I said thats ok and then came in your hair. Lets do it again
lol butthurt

You shouldn't concern yourself about this.

Most pea-brains will never understand it either.

Honestly you're right, I shouldn't concern myself with the pea brained lemmings who hardly have a hope understanding, but I see it as a personal duty to spread truth when lies flourish :mrgreen:

still waiting for a real rebuttal.....


Well-Known Member
Aquired immunity is better than vaccince induced symtpon reduction. It's a proven fact, and you're just crying like a whiny baby nazi because you can't prove otherwise.
Nope you are just lying spam. And the troll to get a rise out of me is just what trolls like yourself do to try to feel superior in the face of overwhelming facts showing how full of shit that you are.

All you can do is demand jews like me get ostracized and alienated for not wanting a useless vaccine that hardly protects myself let alone anyone else. May as well ban cigarettes, beer, abortion, premarital sex if you're going to normalize my freedom away. I'm not allowed to "risk" my health? When that stats from the CDC show I'm not at risk at all? Make like the rest of your crazy authoritarian nazi rat bastard P.O.S. brethren and go to nuremburg and get your balls stomped in. We jews wont let you german nazis oppress us like you did before, and it's hilarious watching you get mad about it.
It is sad how hard you are trying to sell the big lie that is causing our nation to act extremely dangerous in the time of a pandemic when there is a very safe and extremely effective vaccine available.


Well-Known Member
Aquired immunity is better than vaccince induced symtpon reduction. It's a proven fact, and you're just crying like a whiny baby nazi because you can't prove otherwise.
Total BS, provide references. There is ZERO evidence that a previous covid infection prevents reinfection better than a full vaccine course. The only ACTUAL study that looked at this showed that a previous covid infection PLUS full vaccination produced a greater number of antibodies than either a previous infection or full course of vaccination alone. This study looked at antibodies only, not real world infection rates or T cell memory. You constantly spout garbage you can't back up. Regurgitating what Fox Entertainment actors read off a teleprompter isn't going to get you anywhere in life.


Well-Known Member
you still haven't disproven the study the article linked to. You can say "cherry picked" because you don't like what you're reading, but you're gonna have to prove it instead of just saying it over and over again sweetcheeks :D
And I won't play the right wing propaganda game of chasing my tail to try to figure out every single piece of bullshit propaganda spam trolls like yourself will present.

You still haven't acknowledged that you were wrong in your lie about the AP news article you linked to.
And then you switched to demanding a explanation of some alt right propaganda rag.
Because that is what trolls like yourself do, you demand others disregard actual information and try to bury them in bullshit spam.



Well-Known Member
Nope you are just lying spam. And the troll to get a rise out of me is just what trolls like yourself do to try to feel superior in the face of overwhelming facts showing how full of shit that you are.

It is sad how hard you are trying to sell the big lie that is causing our nation to act extremely dangerous in the time of a pandemic when there is a very safe and extremely effective vaccine available.
What amazes me is that this toolbag fabricated an antisemitic narrative out of thin air in order to stoke his rage. Straw men dont come any more blatant.


Well-Known Member
What amazes me is that this toolbag fabricated an antisemitic narrative out of thin air in order to stoke his rage. Straw men dont come any more blatant.
Yeah it was almost like it was designed to be a troll distraction from the stupid shit that they posted immediately after that.